What makes a cheetah SO fast?


Through thousands of years of evolution the cheetah's entire body has evolved (has changed through stages) for speed.

Did you know five main parts that make a cheetah so fast? They are long claws, long legs, a slender build, and a spring back bone.

Cheetah's claws

The cheetah's claws add more grip over top of the ground. The foot pads conveniently help a cheetah when sprinting over the tough ground.

long legs

Cheetahs are fast because they have a sweet spot. A sweet spot is having body mass making them fast. One reason is when chasing pray, a cheetah can cover up to 550 feet in as little as 20 seconds.

Another reason is cheetahs reach speeds of 45 miles through 60 miles per an hour (100 km/h) also in just 20 seconds. That is fast!

Slender builD

Cheetahs have special adaptations (to learn how to do something in order to survive) that allows cheetahs to be successful. In their environment (habitat or home) achieving fast speeds of running helps them to survive.

Cheetahs can run so fast because they have light bodies. So the lighter they are the faster they go. Also, a long tail helps cheetah make quick turns and balance while running fast.

Body Adaptations

The cheetah also has light bones, large nasal passages, and over-sized lungs, heart, and liver. These body adaptations all to help the cheetah to run fast.

The cheetah's back bone is somewhat like a slinky, helping the long strides. Cheetahs run as fast as cars on the highway witch is 70 mph (or 110 kph).


In conclusion, cheetahs are the fastest land animal in the entire plant. They can run from 0-60 mph within 3 seconds. The cheetah's average stride is almost twice as fast as a horse.

Their special adaptations and body parts are what makes a cheetah so fast and why I chose this animal to research.

Baby cheetahs

Cheetah claws are used for hunting, but they also help to grip the ground

Cheetahs have a slender build

Running cheetah

Cheetahs need to be fast in order to hunt their food

Visit these sources to find more information:

Books about Cheetahs:

  • Zoobooks: Cheetahs by Linda Wood and Cynthia Jemon
  • Cheetahs by Dianne MacMillan

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