How did the earth and the Universe form?


A lot of astronomers (scientists that study the universe) believe the universe began with the big bang! Around 14 billion years ago the universe was inside a bubble smaller than a pin head.

The young universe went flying in all directions. Because of the Big Bang, still today everything in the universe is rushing away at high speed. That is what scientists call the Big Bang.

Our Special planet

Earth was first formed about 4.6 billion years after a big explosion with strong winds and gravity which made Earth's layers.

Earth is very unique(Special). It is so unique that Earth's existence just feels like a miracle, no other planet in our solar system is that unique. Earth is made out of the same matter as other planets in our solar system but Earth is the only planet that can support life. That is an amazing fact!

life on Earth

Nobody exactly knows how or why life on Earth began. But Scientists do know that earth stared around 4.6 billion years ago. We also have evidence(Evidence means a sign that shows something is real) that simple life forms are everywhere.

Big Bang

The Big Bang is one of the many theories (Theories are something that people believe) about how the universe stared! About 14 billion years ago all the matter in the universe was compact into one point and the universe EXPLODED! The universe is still expanding today. About 10 billion years after the Big Bang, the Earth finally started to form.

How did the Earth Form?

About 4.6 billion years ago the solar system was a cloud of gas and dust known as a solar nebula. Gravity (a strong pulling force) collapsed the material into itself forming the sun in the center of the nebula (today known as the galaxies ).

With the rise of the sun, the left over material began to clump up. By the force of gravity, small particles drew together into larger particles. Lighter elements such as hydrogen and helium solar wind swept them away, only leaving heavy, rocky materials to create smaller planets like Earth and Mars.

But farther away from the sun, the solar winds had less impact on lighter elements allowing them to form into the planets that are gas giants, like Jupiter and Saturn. In that way comet, planets, asteroids and moons were created.

Earth's rocky core formed first, with very heavy elements colliding and sticking together. A lot of dense materials sank into the center and the lighter materials created the crust.

The planet's magnetic field was formed around this time. Gravity captured some of the gases that made up all the planets.


People still today are arguing about outer space. But the most popular theory about the universe's beginning is an explosion around 15 billion years ago. Still today there are a lot of mysteries about how the earth formed and the beginning of our planet, so keep on learning!

This is one idea of a possible image of the young universe flying in all directions

Here is our special planet Earth.

This is a view of Earth from space .

Here is one theoretical drawing of the beginning of the universe caused by the Big Bang.

This diagram compares Earth 4.6 billion years ago and Earth today.

Visit these sources to find more information:

Websites about Earth and Space:

Books about Earth and Space:

  • Black Holes And Other Space Phenomena by Philip Steele


  • Around 200 years ago a scientist named Lord Kelvin tried to measure the age of Earth because scientists were curious about the age of the earth.
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