What are our pets trying to say to us?


Hey, you there! Are you wondering what our pets are saying to us? Here are some of the theories (beliefs) about this topic I discovered.

Why Do Our Pets Lick Us?

Our pets may lick us to tell us many different things, such as they're hungry! Or that they love us and all they want to do is protect us (to help us and keep us away from bad people)!

Sometimes a pet may actually be trying to send you an important message about your health. For example, when a pet licks you, it might also mean you're low on blood sugar (which could cause you to pass out)!

They might be telling you you're a great owner! They may also lick us for the salt on our hands and skin!

Why Do Our Pets Nibble Us?

Your cat or dog might nibble you. You might be thinking what are they doing that for? One thing they may be telling you is they’re hungry! Or they could just be playing though! They also nibble themselves to stay clean.

Why Do Our Pet Have Sharp Teeth?

Your dog and cat may have sharp teeth. Those are canine teeth. They use them to chew meats and hard foods! And if you feel them they hurt if your pet chomps down!

TheorY Time!

So one interesting theory is that if a dog or cat is staring into the corner there might be something there! Or worse a ghost ( a sprite or mystical being that's not friendly)!


In conclusion, I say I think you should pay more attention to the messages of your pets and study them more! What do you think?

This dog is staring at a wall. "What's there?," you may ask. Well, it may be a ghost!

This dog is licking its owner. It might be saying that its owner is a great owner!

This dog is playing and nibbling its toy!

This dog has canine teeth used for hard meats and other hard foods!

Do you see those sharp teeth? Those are the canine teeth. Cats use them to chew hard foods and treats!

Cats clean themselves by grooming. This is a sign that they feel safe.

Visit these sources to find more information:

Books about pets:

  • Reading the Dog's Mind by John and Marry Holmes
  • Why Do Puppies Do That by Seymour Simon


Theory - A belief or idea that has not yet been proven true.

Ghost - A evil sprite or mystical being that' may not be friendly

Blood sugar - If the sugar level in your blood is too low, you can pass out.

Canine teeth - Sharp front teeth that are used for chewing hard food

Protect - To keep someone safe

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