Why We Dream


When you think your brain falls asleep at night, it doesn't. When half of your brain is resting, the rest of your brain is working.

Theories of Why We Dream

We still don't know why we dream but we have theories. Some think it is about the emotions we had during the day. Also, solving problems we had during the day. And others think it is a body function like a burp.

Cool Facts

  • We sleep one third of our life. When you are 75 years old, you've spent 25 years sleeping.
  • One myth about dreaming is if you dream of being naked you are going to be a orphan.
  • Dreams occur during REM sleep. REM stands for rapid eye movement.
  • You can have lucid dreaming. That means you know you are actually dreaming even though you are asleep.
  • You might think dreaming is the same thing as daydreaming. But it's not. Daydreaming is about happy thought, fantasy, or pleasant things.

Castle of Dreams

Even animals such as cats dream

Your brain waves become more active during REM sleep

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