How can you tell how old trees are?


Did you know that the oldest tree living is 5,062 years old? One way you can estimate the age of a tree is by looking at the rings of a tree which has a light portion and dark portion which represents one year of the trees life. Portion means a part of something.


Another example is that a scientist can make charts to help determine the age of a tree. Determine means to figure out something.

When making a chart, you multiply the length times the width and that is how you can tell how old a tree is.

Counting the rings

Also you can drill out a quarter-inch diameter and as long the distance to the center of the tree. By counting the rings from the outermost layer to the core, now you know the age of your tree.

Also scientists have a tool that they screw into the tree. Then they pull it out and look at it to see the rings. That is another way you can tell the age of a tree.

CORE samples

One more way you can tell the age of a tree is by taking a core sample of the tree's trunk. This can also help determine the age of a tree.

Core sample means that they take a sample of the trees core, or middle part.

In conclusion, these are my examples of how to determine the age of a tree.

The inside rings of a tree.

Tree that is 5062 years old.

Tree that is 2916 years old.

Visit these sources to find more information:

Websites about the age of trees :

Books about the age of trees :

  • Trees by Rena K. Kirkpatrick
  • Tell Me, Tree by Gail Gibbons

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