Similarities & differences of snakes And lizards

This is a diagram of inside of a lizard. The blue organ above the heart is the lungs.

This is a basilisk lizard. It eats plants and other things.

This is a Chameleon. It can change color

This is a gila monster.

This is a komodo dragon.

This is a frilled lizard.

body parts

Lizards and snakes have some important differences in their body structures. For example, lizards have eyelids while snakes do not. Snakes do not have ears but lizards do.

Did you know a snake can eat prey bigger than itself because its jaw bones unhinge? Lizards can not do this.

Lizard skin comes off in flakes unlike snakes. Also, snakes and lizards have one pair of lungs but some snakes lack a lung or have a smaller left lung.

other Differences

Lizards and snakes have some other differences besides just their body structures. One difference is their diet.

All snakes are carnivores but some lizards eat plants. With over 3,700 species, lizards are the biggest group of reptiles.


Although lizards and snakes have many differences, they are alike in some ways. For example, lizards and snakes can not survive in very cold climates. Lizards and snakes also have dry skin that is covered with scales.

Snakes and lizards have a few organs in common. In fact snakes are descendants of lizards. That means snakes evolved from lizards.

Can you see me?

Camouflage is also an adaptation of some lizards and snakes. Puff adders are snakes that have a skin pattern that breaks the outline of its body. Chameleons are a lizard known for their amazing color changes.

The lung of a snake is shown to the right of the heart. Most snakes, like lizards, have lungs, but some do not. Also some snakes have a smaller left lung.

This is a mangrove snake. It only eats meat

All puff adders have a skin pattern that breaks the outline of their body.

This is a inland taipan. It is the most poisonous snake.

This is a black mamba.

Visit these sources to find more information:

books about Snakes & Lizards:

  • Nature's Wild: Snakes by Jane P. Resnick
  • Nature's Wild: Lizards by Robert Matero
  • Poison by Tammi Salzano and Heather Dakota

Fun fACTS:

  • The basilisk lizard can walk on water.
  • The basilisk lizard is also called the "Jesus Christ lizard."

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