Reasons to Certify?

There are many reasons to become board-certified. Board-certified teachers prove their effectiveness in the classroom every day:

Students learn more. A decade of research shows that students of Board-certified teachers learn more than their peers without Board-certified teachers. Studies have also found that the positive impact of having a Board-certified teacher is even greater for minority and low-income students.

Teachers improve their practice. Board Certification allows teachers to hone their practice, showcase their talent in the classroom and demonstrate their dedication to their students and their profession.

Demonstrate a commitment to excellence. Schools with National Board Certified Teachers are characterized by better teacher morale and retention and increased community involvement. Districts and schools that want to drive student learning recognize the power of Board certification and are taking steps to empower and raise the status of accomplished teachers.

Board Certification Opens Doors

What Teachers Should Know and Be Able to DoREAD MORE

  • Board-certified teachers are often given opportunities to have an impact way beyond their individual classrooms.

  • Because Board-certified teachers are recognized as experts, they are often sought out for leadership positions in their schools and districts.

  • In significant numbers, NBCTs serve as team leaders, department chairs, and instructional coaches. Many NBCTs move on to serve as school and district administrators or within the state department of education.

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What Teachers Say

Teachers who have gone through the Board certification process say that it is the most valuable and transformative professional development they have ever received. The opportunity to connect professional learning with classroom practice brings to life a teacher’s experience, helping them reflect on individual student learning needs.