How do magnets work?


Do you ever wonder how magnets work? Well here's some facts.

Magnetic fields

Different planets have magnetic fields. Magnetic fields get pulled up by magnets. Magnetic fields are different from electric fields. They can affect neighboring objects along things called magnetic field lines.

Other planets

The sun has magnetic fields much stronger than the Earth. Mars, Mercury, and Venus have weaker magnetic fields than the sun. In general, larger objects in the solar system have stronger magnetic fields because they have a greater gravitational pull.

types of Magnets

There are many different types of magnets. Some of them are:

  • Ferrite magnet
  • Bar magnet
  • Horseshoe magnet
  • Electromagnet
  • Rare-earth magnet
  • Neodymium magnet
  • Superconduct magnet
  • Dipole magnet
  • Quadrupole magnet

10 Facts about magnets

  1. Magnets have a force.
  2. A magnet makes force that when other magnets come close it will either repel (push away) or attract (pull together) depending on which direction the magnets are facing.
  3. The north pole magnet roughly points toward the Earth's North Pole.
  4. Magnets will come together when negative and positive sides touch but repel when either the positive and positive sides touch or the negative and negative sides touch.
  5. Scientist play with magnets to get information!
  6. Magnetic fields cause negatively charged particles called electrons.
  7. Poles from the south and north makes a magnet.
  8. Magnets are known for an electronic called asa, which are half shell magnets.
  9. Magnetic forces can even penetrate through solid objects.
  10. Magnets have a invisible force to push or pull

North pole and south pole connecting by magnetism.

Smaller planets, like Mars and Mercury above, have smaller magnetic fields.

Bar magnet with magnetism around it.

Horseshoe magnet with bits of iron on it.

A magnetic resonance image (MRI) is used by doctors and scientists. It helps them take a picture of internal parts of magnets.

Visit these sources to find more information:

Magazine Articles About Magnets:

  • "Magnificent Magnets" by Joe Levit, National Geographic Explorer, May 2016


  • Repel = push away
  • Penetrate = push through
  • Asa = half shell magnets

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