why do donuts have holes?


Have you ever wondered why donuts have holes? Believe it or not donuts have holes for many reasons.


This one I found quite interesting. The holes in donuts would allow street sellers in New York City to sell them like bagels. They put them on display stacked through wooden dowels.


Most bakers agree that the reason donuts have a hole is because they want to prevent raw dough in the center. Having a hole increases the surface area around the oil that cooks the donuts.

Because of the hole, the dough cooks fast but even and there is no raw dough in the center. If there is no hole in the middle we would be left with a good tasting outside and a bad tasting inside.


As you can see there are many reasons why donuts have holes. Those are only a few of them.

Bagels stacked on wooden dowels.

Donuts from Dunkin' Donuts.

Strawberry frosted donut with sprinkles.

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