Did Bigfoot Really Exist?

Legends and Myths

Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is a giant ape-like creature that is said to roam the Pacific Northwest. The creatures have been reported all over the country and in Canada.

There are many native myths and legends of wild men in the woods, but the idea "Bigfoot" has been around for only 50 years.

What does Bigfoot look like

The reports describe a tall, hairy, ape-like creature that walks on two feet and has long arms and a short neck. Averaging around 16 inches long and 7 inches wide is how big Bigfoot's claw marks are. Descriptions often show them as a missing link between humans and human ancestors or other great apes.

Evidence and sightings

Since the late 1800's more than 3,000 sightings of Bigfoot, also called Sasquatch, have been recorded in the United States and Canada.

Also, unusual claw marks not like a bear would leave, have been discovered. The size of the claw marks is around 16 inches long and 7 inches wide.

Researchers have also collected hand prints, knuckle prints, elbow prints, and even butt prints.

Real or Fake?

Hoaxes (fakes)

Most of the evidence for Bigfoot come's from sightings or from tracks that have been collected.

No skeleton of Bigfoot has ever been found and scientifically proven to be true. According to the scientist David Deagling, "The biggest argument against Bigfoot Is that we don't have a single body."

The photos and video evidence that exist have not been proven to be real, and many have been proven to be false.

The most famous video of Bigfoot comes from grainly film made in 1967 in California by Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin. Was it faked? It's hard to know for sure.

In 2008 a video was posted to YouTube that made the claim that a body of a dead Bigfoot had been found frozen in a block of ice. Many news channels such as Fox News and CNN covered this event.

However when ice was thawed, it was discovered the hair was not real, the head was hollow, and the feet were made out of rubber.


In conclusion after reading my words I still can't decide if Bigfoot is real or not real. It's a hard decision for me. Do you think he's real or not real?

Is this Bigfoot real or fake? Pictures likes these can add to the legends and myths of Bigfoot, but they may also be faked with costumes, makeup, or computer tricks.

This is a drawing of Bigfoot, a tall, hairy, apelike creature that walks on two feet and has two long arms and a short neck.

Strange footprint tracks are possible evidence of Bigfoot.

Unusual claw marks are also possible evidence of a Bigfoot creature, but these are very different than the photo above.

Is this skull evidence of Bigfoot?

Visit these sources to find more information:


  • Did you know there is a wooden Bigfoot on the highway near Schoharie Valley Church?

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