October 7th

Mark Stephenson

Mark has served as director of CRC Disability Concerns since 2006 and pastored two congregations before that. He and his wife, Bev, have children and grandchildren. Their oldest daughter, Nicole, lives joyfully with severe, multiple disabilities.

Cara Milne

Cara is the owner of M-Powered Planning Ltd, a business that promotes positive and valuable roles for people with disabilities. Cara has also been a part of Disability Concerns for over 10 years as a regional advocate and advisor. She is passionate about building communities in churches! Learn more about Cara at www.mpoweredplanning.com.

October 14th

Dan Vander Plaats

Dan Vander Plaats is married to Denise and is father to Ben (23) and Emma (21). He is a member of Orland Park Christian Reformed Church in Illinois, where he serves on the Disability Concerns Team and the Welcoming Team. He serves as the director of advancement, marketing, and communications at Elim Christian Services, where he composed the disability ministry resource “The 5 Stages.” He has served on the Advisory Committee for Disability Concerns since 2008.

Marg Dantuma

Marg Dantuma has been married for 35 years to her husband Fred. The Lord has blessed them with 3 very challenging children. Their oldest lives in Fergus, Ontario in one of the wonderful homes run by Anchor Association.

October 21th

Bethany McKinney Fox

Rev. Dr. Bethany McKinney Fox is founding pastor of Beloved Everybody Church, an ability-inclusive church in Los Angeles where people with and without intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities, as well as neurodiverse folks, lead and participate together. She is director of spiritual formation for Cyclical LA, a church starting network. She earned her PhD in Christian Ethics at Fuller Seminary, her MDiv at Columbia Theological Seminary, and her BA in philosophy with a minor in Russian literature from UCLA. Her recent book Disability and the Way of Jesus: Holistic Healing in the Gospels and the Church (IVP Academic, 2019) examines how Jesus' healing in the Gospels, too often used in ways that wound people with disabilities, might point a way toward real healing and mutual thriving. She is ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA). When she’s not making music with her violinist husband, they’re exploring L.A., cooking fun food, and enjoying their community.

October 28th

Jasmine Duckworth

Jasmine Duckworth integrates her personal perspective as a disabled person with her professional experience serving at Christian Horizons where she works to nurture communities of belonging for people with disabilities. She writes at disabilityandfaith.org and speaks publicly on topics related to disability, ableism and the church. You can reach her at jduckworth@christian-horizons.org

Chantal HuiniNk, MDiv, RSW

Chantal HuiniNk is the coordinator of Organizational & Spiritual Life for Christian Horizons and a contributor for The Disability and Faith Forum.

Chantal is a motivational speaker, consultant, author, and social justice advocate. She holds Masters of Divinity and Social Work. Chantal’s education and experience as a woman with a physical disability has made her keenly aware of the need for holistic care, including consideration of physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs.