16 Days of Activism Against

Gender-Based Violence 2021



Our role as a Church Community to Prevent and Respond

"Unlike The COVID-19 Pandemic that we can resolve with a vaccine, this silent pandemic can only be fought with deep-rooted and sustained efforts – by governments, communities and individuals – to change harmful attitudes, improve access to opportunities and services for women and girls, and foster healthy and mutually respectful relationships."

~Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General

About the Campaign

Welcome to World Renew and the CRCNA's inter-agency collaborative campaign against Gender Based Violence. We would like to thank you having the courage to join us, listen, learn and take action. This is the second year that the CRCNA agencies are joining global efforts in shining a spotlight on Gender Based Violence. As Christians, we are moral duty bearers; we are trusted by communities and spend a lot of our time and resources addressing global issues and supporting those who are vulnerable. Our focus is sometimes consumed by global issues such as natural disasters, disease and global insecurity. Today, we are being called to shift our gaze and attention for a moment towards this hidden global pandemic: Gender Based Violence. It is not only fracturing families and communities, but countless lives have been lost through femicide. It is disrupting the education and future of many girls both in the developed world and the global South. It is creating an intergenerational web of shame, isolation, and trauma while limiting the economic opportunities of millions - ultimately slowing the achievement of sustainable development.

We welcome you to join a series of learning events as well as journey with us across the globe through the 16 Days Advocacy Guide we will be launching on November 23, 2021.

Although concerted efforts have been made over decades to reduce and respond to Gender Based Violence across the globe, the incidents of women and girls facing various forms of GBV continue to escalate with at least 1 in 3 women reporting having experienced Gender Based Violence in their lives. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated this crisis: while global attention has shifted to other challenges facing the world, GBV in its various forms continues to affect millions of women and girls every day. Beyond the trauma to the victims, GBV continues to adversely impact economies with victims remaining out of work, maimed or killed, or having their education and career options limited.

Increasingly, governments, and multilateral agencies including the UN are recognizing the Church and religious organizations as a critical partner in prevention of GBV.

During the events of this year's 16 Days of Activism, join World Renew and the CRCNA for a series of events aimed at creating awareness and awakening action and technical capacity against Gender Based Violence. See the concept note and full outline of our events.