Week of 5/25/2020


Did you know that all Cranford elementary specials are live throughout the week?!

LAS 4th Grade: 3:00-3:25 PM on Fridays

First, WATCH the video to view the virtual weekly specials schedule.

Cranford Virtual Specials Schedule

You can also CLICK THE DOC to view the schedule.

Then, JOIN MS. MCDONALD on Friday, May 29th at 3:00 PM!

(Zoom info & link below)

If you have additional time to make music this week, EXPLORE the activities at the bottom of the page!

Virtual Ms. McDonald is taking a break!

This week, the real life Ms. McDonald asks you to join her on Friday at 3:00 PM for a live music class on Zoom!

Ms. McDonald can't wait to see you and make music with you this Friday!

Ms. McDonald's Zoom Meeting Link:https://us04web.zoom.us/j/9475328963?pwd=RmtJQUowd0M0ZEZ0TUhacXNPKzJMQT09

Additional Music Activities

If you have additional time to make music this week, EXPLORE the activities below!

If you only have time for one additional activity, that's great; if you want to complete all of the additional activities for this week, that's awesome. Do what you can!

This week we will be exploring our voices. Choose one or two of these activities to explore throughout the week:

“Singing is a wonderful hobby that has many health benefits. It helps strengthen the immune system, improves posture, increases sleep quality, and reduces stress. Singing with others also helps boost social skills such as interpersonal communication, and it increases confidence. Plus, singing makes you happy!” - quoted from Vocal Health for Children and Teens

  • WATCH - Watch Learning How to Match Pitch.
  • THINK - How can I match my voice to sounds that I hear? Can I match High sounds? Low sounds?
  • EXPLORE - If you play a sport, you always do stretches and physical exercises before you start a game. Just like a sport, it is very important to warm up your voice before you begin to sing a song. This helps get your vocal chords and your entire body ready to perform. Try these fun warm up exercises to keep your vocal chords in shape! Watch Vocal Warmups for Kids from Sing! Voice Studio.

Happy exploring!

Questions for Ms. McDonald?

Click HERE to email Ms. McDonald directly with any questions.