AP Music Theory


Advanced Placement Music Theory is a full-year course that covers material which most colleges teach in their first-year theory curriculum. The prerequisites to this course are Music Theory 1 and 2, which are semester courses. As stated in the official Course Description from the College Board, “the ultimate goal of an AP Music Theory course is to develop a student’s ability to recognize, understand, and describe the basic materials and processes of music that are heard or presented in a score.” This is achieved in the comprehensive development of aural, sight-singing, written, compositional, and analytical skills.

Through the study of a variety of musical examples, students will work to master the basics of music analysis. Students will also use creative compositional exercises to demonstrate conceptual understandings. Sight-singing, dictation exercises, and other ear-training exercises will serve as an integral part of the course in the development of students’ performance and aural skills.

AP Exam Date

AP Music Theory Exam is on Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at 8am

Cranford HS Choirs/Theory Calendar

Music Theory Happenings

AP Music Theory Memes