Online Learning Apps

Click on the logos/buttons to go direct to the applications.

If you don't have your child's login credentials, please email your classroom teacher.


The Department’s Learning from home in a school setting web page includes information for principals, teachers and support staff about how schools can ensure learning continuity for their students during this period of disruption.

Please visit the page to find information on:

  • maintaining learning continuity

  • teaching and learning from home

  • online tools for learning

  • communicating with parents/carers

  • mental health support

  • Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL)

  • NBN Education Assistance Package

  • responding to family violence.



Supporting and reassuring children around the world

Manuela Molina is the author of a book focusing on emotions that children may experience during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This book is available in many different languages and is a resource that may assist in easing anxiety relating the current situation.

Click on the link below to explore this resource further.

Coronavirus Children's Story