RBHS Clubs


Purpose:  This club meets to watch anime and discuss anime related activities. 

Sponsor: Taylor Sinclair

Meeting time: Tuesdays 4:05pm-5:10pm

Meeting location: Room 342

Purpose:  This club goes to weekly tournaments starting in January and State Tournament in March, and a National Tournament in later Spring. They learn bow safety and how to properly shoot at a bullseye target.

Sponsor: Jennifer Godwin 

Meeting time: Determined in November

Meeting location: AUX Gym

Instagram: @rbhs_archery_club

Purpose: This club does competitive robotics and STEM outreach through FIRST FRC.

Sponsor: Dr. Ananda Chandrasekhar, Dr. Kevin Gillis

Application: Application process happens in early September each year

Meeting location: MU

Instagram: @ArmyAntsRobotics

Purpose: This club meets to work on art projects, draw, and complete crafts just for fun. 

Sponsor: Abbey Gorsage

Meeting time: Every other Tuesday 4:15-5:30pm

Meeting location: Room 319

Instagram: @RBHSArt


Sponsor: Meaghann Stoelting

Meeting time: 

Meeting location: 

Purpose: This club helps prepare for the United states Biolympiad (USABO), and the JSHS (Junior Science and Humanities Symposium) research competition. They also offer seasonal biology tutoring, internship opportunities, and possibly guest speakers.

Sponsor: Holly Tatlow

Meeting time: Every Tuesday from 4:10-5:30pm

Meeting location: Room 345


Purpose: "Bloom Institute is a non-profit, community-based organization that fosters passion and enlightenment in students. Through a wide range of programs and events, we want to spread the knowledge of unique specializations to students and provide them with resources as they decide what they want to do in life."

Sponsor: Alex Terwelp

Meeting location: Online

Instagram: @columbia.bloominst


Sponsor: Jeff Bazat 

Instagram: @RBHSBruCrew

Purpose: This club works to provide a space for representatives of each RBHS club to work together, organize, and plan events related to RBHS clubs.  

Sponsor: Therasia Brautigam

Meeting time: Last Monday of every month 4:15-5:15pm

Meeting location: Media Center



Sponsor: Sara Pokorny

Meeting time: 

Meeting location: 

Sponsor: Tessa Hulen

Auditions: Dates for auditions will be announced on their Instagram in March/April. Auditions are held in May. 

Instagram: @RBBruinGirls


Sponsor: Alison Lankheit

Meeting time: 

Meeting location: 


Purpose: This club plans and hosts a dance marathon to raise funds for MU Children's Hospital in February.

Sponsor: David Graham

Meeting time: Every other Monday at 8:15am

Meeting location: Room 224

Instagram: @bruinthon_rbhs

Purpose: This club works to create inclusion opportunities at RBHS for students to hangout every month with special education classrooms.

Sponsor: Rachel Victor

Meeting time: Last Thursday of the month from 4:15-5:00pm

Meeting location: Room 327

Sponsor: Kristine Hayes

Tryouts: Dates for tryouts will be announced on their Instagram in March. Tryouts are typically held in April.

Instagram: @rb_cheer


Purpose: Chess Club exists for players to hone their skills! We play for fun, talk through strategy, and host tournaments for players interested in some higher competition.

Sponsor: Drew Shattuck

Meeting time: Tuesdays from 4:15-5:15pm 

Meeting location: Room 206

Instagram: @rbchessclub

Purpose: This club meets to discuss and learn about Chinese language and culture.

Sponsor: Wei Xu

Meeting time: Most Mondays and Wednesdays, 8:15-8:50am

Meeting location: Room 246 

Purpose: This club provides students with the opportunity to join fitness program, Crossfit. Dues are $45 a month.

Sponsor: Trisha Scanlon

Meeting time: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 7:15am-8:15am and Saturdays 8:00-8:45am

Meeting location: Practices at CrossFit Verus


Purpose: This club meets to play various tabletop games.

Sponsor: Randy Swift

Meeting time: Thursdays from 4:15-5:15

Meeting location: Media Center


Sponsor: John Fuenfhausen

Application: Must be enrolled in a CACC Marketing or Entrepreneur class

Purpose: This club works on improv skills, the annual haunted house, and supports theatre and the food bank.

Sponsor: Sandy Welty 

Meeting time: Currently Tuesday’s after school till 5:15pm but changes with show schedules

Meeting location: Room 408


Purpose: This club works to fundraise money for charities that support kids’ education in developing countries and volunteer at City of Refuge.

Sponsor: Taylor Sinclair

Meeting time: Every other Monday from 4:15-5:15pm 

Meeting location: Room 342

Purpose: This club works with elementary students at RBE and hosts a book drive.

Sponsor: Rachel Victor

Meeting time: Twice a month on Wednesdays 

Meeting location: Room 327 

Instagram: @rbhs_elementary_united

Purpose: This club is part of an International organization that aims to help students learn more about the environment through service projects and competitions. It is also North America's largest high school environmental educational program. 

Sponsor: Kelly Davis

Meeting time: Tuesdays after school

Meeting location: Room 314



Sponsor: Ty Monroe

Meeting time: 

Meeting location: 

Purpose: This club competes in various video game competitions. 

Sponsor: Jennifer Godwin

Meeting time: Mondays and Tuesdays 8:05-8:40am and 4:15-5:00pm

Meeting location: Media Center

Purpose: This club discusses ethical cases for a state competition in February.

Sponsor: Jim Meyer

Meeting time: Wednesdays at 4:15pm

Meeting location: Room 229


Purpose: FBLA inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders in a global society through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences. This club also focuses on community service, competitive events and educational programs. 

Sponsor: Jennifer Godwin 

Meeting time: Twice a month on Tuesdays

Meeting location: Room 325

Instagram: @rbhs.FBLA

Purpose: This club is a service club oriented around fighting food insecurity within the community by volunteering, holding food drives and hosting fundraising events. 

Sponsor: Melody Grayson

Meeting time: 2nd and last Monday of the month 4:15-5pm

Meeting location: Room 228

Purpose: This club works to connect people to Christian faith.

Sponsor: Travis Gabel

Meeting time: Every Friday at 8am

Meeting location: PAC Lobby

Instagram: @rockbridgefca



Sponsor: Kevin Duncan

Purpose: This club creates two short films a year, and different members of the club are assigned roles in creating the short films. Members can choose what role they are most interested in such as screenwriting, directing, acting etc. We encourage new ideas from every member of the club to best represent our collective ideas. This club is for anyone interested in film and the filmmaking process, and no prior knowledge of filmmaking is required!

Sponsor: Greg Irwin

Meeting time: Wednesdays 4:15-5:00pm

Meeting location: Room 208

Instagram: @rbhsfilmmaking

Purpose: This club works to create and publish a magazine featuring creative writing, art and photos from RBHS students. If interested in helping, reach out to Mrs. Gorsage.

Sponsor: Abbey Gorsage

Information: Starting 2nd semester


Purpose: This club promotes the learning and usage of French throughout RBHS.

Sponsor: Kristin Reed

Meeting time: Once a month at 8:15am 

Meeting location: Room 240

Purpose: This club works to create a safe space for Queer youth and educate on other Queer issues.

Sponsor: Greg Kirchhofer

Meeting time: Wednesdays between 4:20 and 5:20pm

Meeting location: Room 337

Instagram: @rockbridgeGSA


Sponsor: Philip Birgenheir

Meeting time: 

Meeting location: 


Purpose: This club aims to close the gender gap in STEM by encouraging girls and nonbinary students to code and develop other STEM skills that are essential to thrive in the 21st century. Girls Who Code promotes sisterhood, but is still open to all genders.

Sponsor: Karen King

Meeting time: Wednesdays from 4:05-5:00pm

Meeting location: Room 245

Instagram: @rbhsgirlswhocode

Purpose: This club works to combat issues in our community through outreach and volunteering. 

Sponsor: Greg Kirchhofer

Meeting time: Fridays after school until 5pm

Meeting location: Room 337

Instagram: @rbhs.globalissues

Purpose: This club works to support growth of future health professionals by competing in competitions, hosting guest speakers, and carrying out service projects.

Sponsor: Christine Roberson

Meeting time: 3rd Wednesday of the month

Meeting location: CACC Room 173

Instagram: @cacc.hosa 



Sponsor: Lilia Ben-Ayed

Meeting time: 

Meeting location: 

Purpose: This club works to complete Service projects for Rock Bridge and Columbia.

Sponsor: Rachel Reed

Meeting time: First Thursday morning at 8:15am of every month

Meeting location: Room 214/215

Instagram: @keyclubrb


Sponsor: Rachel Victor

Meeting time: 

Meeting location:  


Purpose: This club provides a space for RBHS students to knit, crochet, embroider, and sew. 

Sponsor: Ty Monroe

Meeting time: Wednesdays and Fridays twice a month

Meeting location: 

Purpose: This club is RBHS Boys Lacrosse Team. 

Sponsor: Michelle Golden

Tryouts: This team competes in the spring.

Purpose: This club is RBHS Girls Lacrosse Team.

Sponsor: Lilia Ben-Ayed

Tryouts: This team competes in the spring.



Sponsor: Justin Kelly

Meeting time: 

Meeting location: 

Purpose: This club practices for math competitions and works concepts beyond high school math curriculum.

Sponsor: Kevin Taylor

Meeting time: Wednesday mornings at 8:15am

Meeting location: Room 127

Purpose: This club works to inform our students and local community about how weather can impact lives, and to have discussion and education on the science of Meteorology.

Sponsor: Megan Klukowski

Meeting time: Every other Thursday from 4:10pm-5:10pm.

Meeting location: Room 211


Purpose: This club simulates what it is like to be a delegate for different counties in a mock united nations conference. We're the ideal team for anyone interested in improving their public speaking skills or becoming a lawyer.

Sponsor: Ashley McCrady

Meeting time: Every Wednesday at 4:15-5:30

Meeting location: Room 222


Sponsor: Jamie Foulk

Meeting time: Every Friday

Meeting location: 

Purpose: This club is an honors society for math. Students join by invitation only and have to be enrolled in a math class at the Pre-Calculus level or higher. 

Sponsor: Burke McCray

Meeting location: Zoom



Sponsor: Alison Lankheit

Meeting time: 

Meeting location: 

Purpose: This club works to create a safe space for Muslim students and connect with other Muslim students. It also raises awareness to what Islam is. This club isn't just for Muslim students, all are welcome.

Sponsor: Jim Meyer

Meeting time: First Tuesday of every month from 4:15-5:00pm

Meeting location: Room 204

Purpose: This club hosts many service opportunities throughout the year. Students join by invitation only, as a certain GPA requirement must be held. 

Sponsor: Stephanie Harman

Meeting time: 

Meeting location: We meet over zoom twice a year, but our main form of communication is GroupMe.


Purpose: This class works to inform the Rock Bridge community of issues concerning the school and it's population. They publish weekly on their website, bearingnews.org, and publish a newsmagazine, Southpaw, quarterly. 

Sponsor: Therasia Brautigam

Application: This is both a class and an extracurricular. Writers must take Introduction to Journalistic Writing before joining. All other staff members have an application process in the spring.

Instagram: @bearingnews


Sponsor: Travis Martin 

Meeting time: 

Meeting location:  

Purpose: This club fundraises money for Lizzy's Walk of Faith Foundation through monthly pancake parties. Students attending pay $2 for each event to eat pancakes and play games. 

Sponsor: Angel Jacquin

Meeting time: Once a month, time varies

Meeting location: Room 126 

Instagram: @rbhs_pancake_club


Purpose: This club meets to pose different questions and have philosophical conversations about those questions. 

Sponsor: Greg Irwin 

Meeting time: Mondays, every other week 4:15-5:15pm 

Meeting location: Room 209

Purpose: This club introduces people to concepts of photography, go on shoots, compete in competitions, and engage in book-club style critique of monthly themed photos. Dues are $10 to join.

Sponsor: Rachel Renaud

Meeting time: Every other week on Friday, 4:15-5:15pm

Meeting location: Room 323


Sponsor: Greg Irwin 

Meeting time: Mondays

Meeting location: 


Purpose: This club works to have fun and improve ping pong playing.

Sponsor: Greg Irwin

Meeting time: Fridays from 4:00-6:00pm

Meeting location: Basement tunnels

Instagram: @rockbridgepingpong

Purpose: This club works to design, build, and compete a robot against other teams in the state. Specialized departments in Fabrication, Programming, and Computer-Aided Design.

Sponsor: Ben Smith

Meeting time: Every Wednesday from 4:10-5:30pm

Meeting location: Room 133

Instagram: @lefty_loosey_robotics

Purpose: This club meets to discuss different techniques and safety tips for rock climbing.

Sponsor: Austin Coolidge

Meeting time: Fridays from 4:05:4-20pm

Meeting location: Room 323


Purpose: This club provides service opportunities.

Sponsor: Dave Farris

Meeting time: 

Meeting location: 

Purpose: This club helps the community and increases participation. It also provides opportunities for young people to work together in an international organization for understanding and service. Furthermore, Rotary Interact builds connections and offers students, adults, and community members to inspire others and take initiative in order to learn how to be a leader.

Sponsor: Kelly Davis

Meeting time: Once a month, typically in the mornings. Meeting days will vary based on group members availability.

Meeting location: Room 215

Purpose: This club is a competitive trivia game in which two teams face off against each other to answer questions from all areas of knowledge, including history, literature, science, fine arts, current events, popular culture, sports, and more.

Sponsor: Shawnna Matteson and Greg Irwin

Meeting time: Tuesday and Friday 4:15 to 5:30

Meeting location: Room 208

Instagram: @RBHS.sbowl


Purpose: This club is a team-based science-knowledge-based competition. These teams face off in a fast-paced question-and-answer format, being tested on a range of science disciplines, including biology, chemistry, earth science, physics, energy, and math.

Sponsor: Sarah Laster

Meeting time: Wednesdays at 8:15am (once a month)

Meeting location: Room 336

Instagram: @rbhsscibowl

Purpose: This club provides a place for science opportunities. Members must have a 3.5 GPA, a 3.7 GPA in science courses, participate in two extracurriculars, and be enrolled in two honor/AP courses. 

Sponsor: Sarah Laster

Meeting time: Once a month (varies)

Meeting location: Zoom

Purpose: This is a team competition in which students can participate in 23 different science events, such as earth science, biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. Students can compete in teams against other schools.

Sponsor: Stephanie Harman

Meeting time: Thursdays at 8am. Typically once a month.

Meeting location: Room 245

Instagram: @rbhs.scioly


Purpose: This club is ran by Spanish Honor Society.

Sponsor: Esteban Pedrazas

Purpose: This club helps students to find Spanish-speaking/cultural service opportunities in their communities. We try to give academics who take the Spanish world language classes to have opportunities outside of class to enhance their understanding of Spanish-speaking culture, as well as other aspects of their community.

Sponsor: Esteban Pedrazas

Meeting time: 

Meeting location: Zoom

Purpose: This club competes in Speech and Debate competitions. 

Sponsor: Danielle Johnson

Meeting time: Mondays and Tuesdays from 4:15-5:30pm

Meeting location: Room 231



Sponsor: Rachel Reed

Application: There is an interview and application process at the start of the school year and another in March. 

Purpose: This club works to address student body concerns about a number of topics and student needs.

Sponsor: Shawnna Matteson

Meeting time: Thursdays twice a month at 4:15pm (varies)

Meeting location: Room 208

Purpose: This club does event planning for RBHS, implements school wide initiatives, and runs student activities. Application and election process happens in the spring for upperclassmen and in the winter for freshmen.  

Sponsor: Carrie Schauwecker

Meeting time: Mainly on Tuesdays 1st or 4th block during the school day

Meeting location: Room 317

Instagram: @rbhs_stuco


Purpose: This club meets to talk about and celebrate all things Taylor Swift.

Sponsor: Jess Eaton

Meeting time: unset schedule

Meeting location: Room 136

Instagram: @rbhs_tsas

Purpose: This club's purpose is to discuss important teen topics, increase community awareness, and perform community service in the Columbia area.

Sponsor: Jordan Alexander

Meeting time: Mondays from 4:10-5:10pm

Meeting location: Counseling Office

Purpose: This club's purpose is to benefit our community through music.

Sponsor: Patrick Sullivan

Meeting time: First Tuesdays of the month at 4:15pm

Meeting location: Room 408

Instagram: @rbhs.tri.m


Purpose: This club is focused on service, sisterhood, and spirit. We work to better our community while also building lasting relationships between senior girls. We meet once or twice a month to do various sisterhood and service events.

Sponsor: Abbey Gorsage

Meeting time: varies

Meeting location: varies

Purpose: This class captures the memories of the student body through journalistic writing, photography, and design. 

 Sponsor: Therasia Brautigam

Applications: To join this class, interviews and applications are in the spring.

Instagram: @rbflashback

Purpose: This club meets to discuss issues in the community and raise awareness about different movements/causes.

Sponsor: Greg Irwin

Meeting time: Every other Wednesday after school

Meeting location: Room 208/209


Purpose: This club meets to discuss different political issues and different movements.

Sponsor: Michelle Kelley

Meeting time: 

Meeting location: Room CACC 149 

Purpose: This club meets to play a fun game with nerf blasters. 

Sponsor: Taylor Sinclair

Meeting time: Wednesdays from 4:05-5:00pm

Meeting location: Room 342