Whole Grade Acceleration

Whole Grade Acceleration: What Current Research Says..

CPS Board Policy



Original Adopted Date: 01/11/1999 | Last Revised Date: 10/09/2023 | Last Reviewed Date: 10/09/2023


The district will assist students in progressing academically in accordance with their capabilities. Acceleration refers to educational strategies that provide opportunities for students to more rapidly achieve their education goals. Effective acceleration matches the level, complexity and pace of the curriculum to the readiness and motivation of the student. Acceleration will not be used as a replacement for gifted education services or programs.

Acceleration shall be considered for all students who demonstrate advanced performance or the potential for advanced performance and the social and emotional readiness for acceleration. The district will offer subject acceleration and whole-grade acceleration and, at the discretion of the superintendent, may choose to implement other types of acceleration as well.

When determining whether a student should be accelerated, the district will consider all available student assessment data, the student's social and emotional maturity and the student's academic strengths. Acceleration decisions shall be based on the best interest of the student.

Parents/Guardians or teachers who identify a student who may benefit from acceleration should contact an administrator in the student's school for more information.

Columbia Public Schools Acceleration Process

Upon request for consideration of whole grade acceleration, the Director of Elementary Gifted Services will initiate the review process. The Iowa Acceleration Scale, 3rd Edition (IAS) is a tool used to gather information from many sources, including: ability, aptitude, achievement test scores, school history, observed adult and peer relationships, attitudes toward learning, and other factors that have bearing on the decision to accelerate.  The systematic guidance provided by the IAS brings objective data to the discussion and thus minimizes any potential bias for or against whole-grade acceleration.

Following the completion of the (IAS) process, which can take up to one month, a recommendation from the Director of Elementary Gifted Services, either for or against acceleration, is provided to the family and the school principal. The school principal is also provided a copy of the entire IAS documentation packet.  If a scholar meets the benchmark for acceleration, plans are made for the scholar to make the move to the accelerated grade quickly.

For more information about Acceleration please contact:

Kristen Palmer, CPS Director of Elementary Gifted Services

1010 Rangeline St. Columbia, MO 65201

(573) 214-3750