
Hi! I am Nick Duell, a chemistry teacher at Chicopee Comprehensive High School.

In my spare time, I really enjoy cooking, brewing rich coffee, and spending time with my husband and two pups. I’m from Rochester, New York and attended SUNY Geneseo, where I truly found a love for the world of chemistry.

I am a huge fan of Wegmans grocery stores, The Office (great scene), and Survivor.

I have a large family in Rochester and Buffalo; I love and miss them all very much. Check out my brother's restaurant, my sister's portfolio, and my brother-in-law's photography website.

Throughout the year, you might get tired of me making references to Rochester, Geneseo, or Wegmans. But someday, I hope that you, too, can have as much pride and passion for your hometown as I do for mine.

Welcome to my chemistry website and I hope you find it valuable.

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