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Access Aspen - Family Views

FOR FAMILIES- If families have never accessed Aspen, they should contact Matt Sadowski (msadowski@cpsd.us). If they don't remember their password, follow the "I forgot my password" prompts on Aspen and it will email a new password.

Finding Aspen.mov

How to Get to Aspen

Logging in to Aspen.mov

Logging in to Aspen

Forgot Password.mov

Forgot Aspen Password

FOR STUDENTS- Students should be logging in using their ID # (lunch #). The password was a stock password to begin with but many students would have changed it to something they chose. If a student can not remember their password, they should email helpdesk@cpsd.us asking for their Aspen password to be reset. This is the only way for them to regain access. Sixth grade students will be setting passwords during the first two weeks of school.