PE-Ms. Harris

Email me with any questions. In a video if I have you keep score or tell me how much time you exercised, you can send it to me by email (optional).

Miss you all, exercise, and stay healthy.

The US Department of Health and Human Services, recommend that children do 60 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily.

Kennedy/Longfellow Field day events: The directions are included in the slides. Have fun and keep active.

Home Workout (click on here) Here is an exercise video which has some questions to answer during the rest period, to see if you know the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercises.

04-CAL-DEAM-May-Final (1).docx

Here is a calendar for May, try to do as many activities that you can. You can send me the calendar when you are done so I can see how hard you are exercising.

We will practice the toss and catch. Use a rolled up pair of socks, crumpled up piece of paper, or a soft small ball. Keep your score and send it to me by email. Have fun and keep active.


Here is a tricep dip challenge. Try to see how many you can do and send me your score. Have fun.

Flat Harris (1).pdf

Take Flat Harris with you on your adventures or when you exercise. Take pictures and email them to me.

Would you Rather

Grade 3-5

Would you rather - two different pictures will be shown and pick which one you like. Perform the exercise on that side of the screen. You can change or modify the exercise.

Favorite Character

Grade K-2

Favorite character fitness - there will be three characters and each will have a different exercise. You can change or modify the exercise you like. Send me a video, so I can see how hard you are exercising. Have fun!

Gr.K-2 Tabata

Grade K-2 Tabata, workout for 20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds. Send me a video of you doing the Tabata, show me how hard you are exercising.


Grade 3-5 Tabata, workout for 20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds. Send me a video of you doing the Tabata, show me how hard you are exercising.

Copy of Spell It Fitness

Notice the different levels at the top of the page. Start at the lower level and work your way up. Do the exercises that spell your first name, last name, or pick a spelling word. The next time pick two words. Try to increase the time you exercise. Have fun.


Try some of these at home orienteering lessons - draw a map, find objects, and keep your map oriented. Have fun and keep active.

RemotePE Calendar1.doc

Grades K-5 Students can keep track of their exercises. You can email them to me so you can show me all of your hard work. (Optional)

Grades3-5,At Home Workout.docx

Grades 3-5 workout


Fitness wheel


read a long - Clifford


Balloon challenge - ( No balloon - use a crumpled up piece of paper or a rolled up pair of socks) How many times with hands? How many times with feet? Send me a challenge you made up.

build a

Build a fort

ex.hi and just dance exercise.mp4

Saying hi to everybody and videos to dance to

Home exercise with Mrs. H

couch push ups, squats, and planks workout

K-2 Just dance videos

Yoga with Ms.



Yoga#2, 10minutes