GSC Requirements


The Global Studies Certificate (GSC) Program is an application-based program. If accepted into the program, participants must fulfill a set of requirements by the end of their senior year to earn their Global Studies Certificate.

GSC Program Requirements

Expectations for Participants in the GSC Program

GSC Program students will:

  • investigate the world by posing and investigating globally significant questions about local, regional, and/or global issues from multiple perspectives.
  • recognize and explain how historical and cultural contexts are critical to shaping individual perspectives and interpretations of the world.
  • demonstrate communication skills that draw on a variety of tools, platforms, and strategies to communicate with diverse audiences in context-appropriate ways.
  • take culturally responsive action on a globally significant local, regional, and/or global issue with the aim of making positive change.
  • reflect regularly and honestly on their questions and understandings.
  • serve as advocates for deeper global engagement within the larger CRLS community.