Officer Elections

Application for French Club Officer 2020 - 2021

For CRLS students interested in becoming an officer for the 2020-2021 school year, please submit a video to Mme. Cook at (1-2 minutes) in English describing who you are, which position you are running for, and why you think you would be a good candidate for the position you are running for. In your email to Mme. Cook with your video, please also include your name and position you are running for.

These videos will be made available to students in French Club to view to inform their voting. Please submit your videos by January 4th.

The elections will open up to registered members on Tuesday January 5th. French Club members will be able to vote one time using their CPS email. Members have until Friday January 8th 3:00pm to vote.

Officer Positions and Responsibilities

Officers will be elected for one year by a vote of the club at the beginning of each term year. The following list details the officer position and their responsibilities:

    • President - Handles the meetings and communication between the advisor, students involved, and outside groups (if need be). They will also help organize any outside activities said club will partake in. The president is also responsible for sending out the meeting links/calendar invites. The president shall assist other club officers in their efforts to take effective notes, creative posters and announcements, and document expenses.

    • Co-President - Assists the President with their duties and convenes before/after meetings with the President and Advisor to discuss what may need to be done for future meetings/events of the club. The Co-President is also responsible for helping to arrange activities or events, and is also responsible for sending out the meeting links/calendar invites. The co-president shall assist other club officers in their efforts to take effective notes, creative posters and announcements, and document expenses.

    • Secretary - Is responsible for taking the Meeting minutes and updating the Club Constitution and Bylaws as necessary. They will convene with the Club Advisor before making any changes to said document.

    • Public Relations - The PR position is in charge of helping the president, co-president, and advisor run the French Club social media accounts with the assistance of the President and Co-President. The PR position will create posters and creative announcements for the president/co-president to share during invitations.

    • Webmaster - The webmaster will be responsible for maintaining and updating the CRLS French Club website along with the advisor.

    • Treasurer- The treasurer shall assist the advisor in maintaining and tracking expenses and costs of the club and activities.