Option B

Option B: Choice Book and Creative Project

  1. Select and read a book of your choice. You may choose a book from your shelf that you haven’t had time to read. You can read something recommended by a friend, relative, or teacher. You might choose to read the book version of a movie you love. The genre is your choice, too! You can read science fiction, poetry anthologies, nonfiction, graphic novels, etc. Find something you will enjoy reading. Please use discretion when considering what is appropriate for discussion in school.
  2. Complete a creative project relative to a theme or idea in the book. For example, if you read Uncle Tom’s Cabin, you might create a quilt out of scrap fabric or scrapbook paper that incorporates symbols of the Underground Railroad. Or, you might write and record the soundtrack to the book. Maybe you would like to create the set design for the stage version of your book. Feel free to show your strengths from your art major, or explore another artistic area that you do not have the opportunity to try at SCPA.