Magness Creek Elementary is 

Capturing Kids' Hearts

We are excited to share information with you about an initiative at our school called Capturing Kids Hearts (CKH). We were very lucky this summer at Magness Creek Elementary because we were trained in this exciting process program. You may have already heard your students talking about some of the elements that are being implemented in their classrooms and our school! 

This amazing program outlines a process staff can use to help build meaningful connections between staff and students, students and their peers, and between staff and families. The goal is to capture kids’ hearts in order to better engage their minds in learning. Research continues to show that when students feel more connected to their school and staff, they achieve higher academic success and are less likely to have attendance, tardy, or behavioral issues. Students thrive when they feel cared for and engaged. 

LEAD character word for February

Child and Youth Behavioral military and family life counselors 

Contact our military liason Katherine Reynolds by email at for more information.

Additional resources

Statewide Community Resources Portal

LEAD Words for the Year



