Parent Information

Ms. Bradshaw's Parent Info.

Welcome! I am so excited to have your student in my classroom for the semester. We are going to have a great time in this class doing some self exploration while researching and learning about different career options. Your students will be using Google Classroom to complete and turn in work throughout the semester. The codes for those classes are on their syllabus given in class (it is also attached on the student information tab). I will do my best to update this page at least every 1-2 weeks to let you know what we will be doing in class and if there are any large assignments due.

If you have any concerns or questions, my email is Feel free to email me at any time, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Mr. Hobbs' Parent Info.

Fall 2020 Parent Google Classroom Code: qhdpcpi

Fall Digital 2020 Parent Google Classroom Code: 5lou5d3

Spring Parent Google Classroom Code: evt7xvy

Spring Digital Parent Google Classroom Code: kalwvyo

My email is if you have any questions or concerns.