Week of 10/5/20




Social Studies

Monday: SWBAT evaluate their central idea by using a checklist

Tuesday: SWBAT ask and answer questions to clarify understanding and to think carefully about a text.

Wednesday: SWBAT distinguish a “right there” question from an inference question.

Thursday: SWBAT distinguish a “right there” question from an inference question, from a Just You question

Friday: SWBAT identify the author’s purpose of a text.

*SWBAT="Students will be able to"

Monday: SWBATdistinguish the value from the place of a digit.

Tuesday: SSWBAT identify the pattern that as a digit moves to the left, the value of the digit increases by a factor of 10

Wednesday: SWBAT distinguish unit form from standard form of a number

Thursday: SWBAT show how using ten times a certain unit creates another unit higher.

Friday: SWBAT show how zeros are added to a number when multiplying by 10, 100, and 1000

*SWBAT="Students will be able to"

Monday: SWBAT explain what a virus is

Tuesday: SWBAT explain the difference between a virus and bacteria

Wednesday: SWBAT explain how the human body fights viruses

Thursday: SWBAT explain what vaccines are for and how the body reacts to them

Friday: SWBAT explain what antibodies are and relate it to current events

Monday: SWBAT explain what Hispanic Heritage Month is

Tuesday: SWBAT read a biography and give details about a person

Wednesday: SWBAT create a collage about a famous Hispanic figure and begin to write a biography

Thursday: SWBAT write a biography on a famous Hispanic figure

Friday: SWBAT understand who Cesar Chavez was and why he was important.