

language acquisition

Class overview

The primary objectives of the Spanish program at Kellogg School are to develop, reinforce, and refine proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing. The ability to communicate in a variety of modes in more than one language is essential to IB philosophy that promotes intercultural understanding.

According to the ACTFL world readiness standards for learning languages, students need to communicate effectively in more than one language in order to function in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes. They need to interact with cultural competence and understanding and also connect with other disciplines to function in academic and career-related situations. Finally, they need to develop insight into the nature of language and culture in order to interact with cultural competence.

About me

Hola y bienvenidos a la clase de español. Mi nombre es Sra. Mayer y soy la maestra de español. Hello and welcome to Spanish class. My name is Mrs. Mayer and I am the Spanish teacher for grades K-8. I have over twenty two years of experience teaching elementary Spanish at Keller, St. Barnabas, Clissold and Kellogg School. I look forward to working with you and to expanding your knowledge of Spanish and Spanish speaking countries.

This is a great guide for navigating all of the resources in Google Suites.

Google Guidebook for Families and Students


I will attach links to sites that are useful to students by grade level.