Student Resources 

Our schoolwide attendance goal is 93%! Let's get to school everyday and on time!

In a rut with your grades and attendance at school....Need help and support to get back on track? Email Mrs. Pentz( to get the support you need! I am here for you.

We are in Q4 let's finish the year strong. Check Student Portal every week to make sure you are updated on all your assignments.

In school it is easy for us to feel worried. Take the time to think about what you can control and focus on instead of what you can't. Make your own circle of control using the example above. Draw a circle and on the inside write about what you can control and focus on at this time and on the outside write about what you can't control and what you can let go. If you can send your completed circle of control to Mrs. Pentz

Mindfulness for Distance Learning

At this time practicing mindfulness is so important. Remember mindfulness helps us deal with tough emotions, calm down and stay focused.

Taking time out in the day to do some deep breathing is also a great way to get rid of stress and worry.