

Meet the Team! 

With over 50 years+ of experience of teaching as a team, we are here to provide a high quality education to your students! We firmly believe that learning happens both in and out of the classroom, and we look forward to your partnership this year! 

Ms. Altoveros

8th Grade Inclusion Teacher

Email: baltoveros1@cps.edu

Mr. Burke

7th and 8th Grade Social Studies and Math
Special Education Teacher

Email: gtburke@cps.edu 

Ms. Copre

7th and 8th Grade Math Teacher

Email: ccopre@cps.edu 

Ms. Lopez

7th and 8th Grade Reading and Writing Special Education Teacher

Email: sjlopez3@cps.edu 

Ms. Sanchez

7th and 8th Grade Reading Teacher

Email: masanchez14@cps.edu 

Mr. Thigpen

7th and 8th Grade Social Studies Teacher

Email: jathigpen@cps.edu

Ms. Wyatt

7th Grade Inclusion  Teacher

Email: jowyatt@cps.edu 

Ms. Stanton

School Counselor

Email: kmstanton1@cps.edu 

Ms. Leon

Main Office: Attendance
Phone Number: (773) 534-5130
Email: eaguado-leon@cps.edu