About Science Class

What to expect in Science Class:

  • Full STEM/STEAM curriculum that implements the Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core.

  • Regular interactive activities, labs and investigative projects.

  • Regular practice homework.

  • Regular use of technology, in school and out of school.

  • Integration of literacy, writing and the arts.

  • Three ecology trips to Montrose Harbor with Mr. Leki (7th)

  • Waters Garden service learning project with Mr. Leki (8th)

  • An engaging and challenging science experience!

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are the nationwide science standards that the State of Illinois has adapted. Our 7/8th curriculum currently follows the curriculum set in these standards. The standards integrate the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) as well as Common Core standards in Literacy and Mathematics. I am excited as to how these standards will continue to engage and challenge our students to think deeper and foster a growth mindset!

Science Notebooks

Students will be required to have a 100 page (or greater) spiral bound notebook to be used for Science class only, (the kind with pockets in them are the best). The notebook will be used for the organization of science notes, vocabulary, homework and journaling. Students will set these up the first week of class.

Science Grading

Students will be graded in the following categories:

  • Summative Assessments (35%) – Examples: unit tests, cumulative projects, performance tasks and other formal assessments that evaluate mastery of content.

  • Formative Assessments (30%) – Examples: projects, quizzes, formal explanations and assignments that evaluate progress towards mastery.

  • Classroom Activities (25%) – Class assignments, activities, group & lab work that help students to practice the standards..

  • Skills Practice(10%) – Reinforcement / practice assignments completed in class and at home.

Grading Scale

90% - 100% = A, 80% -89% = B, 70% - 79% = C, 60% - 69% = D, 59% and below = F

Homework & Other Work Outside of Classroom

At the middle school level, students should expect to receive out of class work on a regular basis. This may be practice work, projects or other assignments. Not all out of class work is considered homework. Projects, research and other larger assignments may be graded as Classroom Activities (if worked on in class as well), Formative Assessment or Summative Assessments depending on the nature of the task.

Missing Work /Make Up Work

Students will be given one week from the assignment due date or upon a return from an excused absence to make up any missing assignments or homework. It is up to the student if they are absent, to find out what they missed and to turn the work in. Students will not be given credit for any work submitted after the one week grace period. It is up to the student if they are absent, to find out what they have missed.

Google in the Science Classroom

As part of our science curriculum, students will have many opportunities to utilize and strengthen the technology skills they have acquired. All students will be expected to use their CPS Google Drive accounts to produce and submit work. Students will participate in an online “classroom” for their class period. Many assignments, projects and groups activities will take place in this shared work-space application. Students should make checking their CPS email a part of their daily homework routine.

Classroom Behavior & Environment

The science classroom is an environment where all students belong and their ideas are respected. Students are expected to obey school policies, follow classroom procedures and respect others. Any student who disrupts the learning of others, or their own, will receive consequences. These may include parental contact, detention or other consequences based on the CPS Uniform Discipline Code. For minor classroom disruptions, I use a three strike warning system. On the third strike, I will either meet with the student following class and/or contact home. Behavior will also be noted in the classroom behavior folder.

Ecology Program

Students will be participating in our school wide Ecology program as well as their daily Science class. Mrs. Ballasch will be working with Mr. Leki our ecology coordinator in this area. Activities may include: field trips, garden projects, composting, recycling and other unique learning opportunities.