Teaching Philosophy

Art Is Imagination Made Real

Since the Pandemic hit, I have shifted my focus away from pushing students to be recreators of prior artist's visions and have instead transformed the art room into a thriving space for students to nurture their personal artistic curiosities and visions. We participate in daily contemplative and mindfulness art warm up drawings/scribbles. Students "check in" with their hearts and minds and bodies during meditations. Students flow into alpha brain waves and collectively weave a healing centered and inclusive space where they can feel free. We hold community talking circles to discuss celebrations challenges. Artists are growing by using these three concepts:

  • Understanding what artists do.

  • Understanding they are the artist.

  • Understanding that the Art space is their art studio.

We work in our arts studios to develop our individual art practice. We develop our voice through choices, critical thinking & making. We strengthen our artistic muscles through developing 8 Studio Habits of Mind, Teaching Artistic Behavior, Artful Thinking, Art as Civic Commons, SEL and Facing History and Ourselves/Teaching Tolerance and Healing Centered Education through a socially conscious lens of equity.