CP High School SAP

The High School SAP (Student Assistance Program) Team works with 7-12th grade students, parents, and teachers to identify issues which pose a barrier to a student’s academic and school success. Teachers and parents who observe a change in behavior in a student are encouraged to reach out to a SAP team member and submit a referral. All referrals are confidential and once one is made, the SAP team works to gather information, consult with the parent and student, and if merited, make recommendations for additional support. The SAP team is not a treatment program nor does it diagnose problems, although we may refer students to outside evaluations and treatment programs.

Are you concerned about a 7-12th grade student's reaction to:

  • Recent death of a loved one

  • Divorce of parents

  • Family relocation

  • A relationship problem

  • Other traumatic events

Do You See A 7-12th grade Student Showing Any of These Behaviors?

  • Withdrawing from family, friends and/or school

  • Changing friends; no longer spends time with old friends

  • Unexplained physical injuries

  • Talking about suicide

  • Depressed

  • Defying authority, both at home and at school

  • Acting aggressively

  • Lying

  • Sudden drop in grades

If you are not a member of the staff at Commodore Perry School but are concerned about one of our students, please contact a SAP team member to make a referral!

Commodore Perry High School SAP Team Contact Information:

High School Office - phone: 724-253-2232 extension 1232

Mr. Wright, High School Principal mwright@cppanthers.org

Mrs. Palko, Guidance Counselor mpalko@cppanthers.org

Mrs. Holtz, Nurse sholtz@cppanthers.org