U.S.-Japan Collaborative Workshop:
Accelerating IC Design [Phase I]

The semiconductor industry faces many challenges related to supply chain shortages and over reliance on a small number of chip fabrication facilities. To enhance global economic security and prosperity, the American and Japanese governments are collaborating on a workforce training program with a specific focus on the semiconductor industry.

The first phase of this project is a 2-day online workshop , held December 5-6, 2023 (8-11:30am JST, 6-9:30pm EST), featuring experts in the field of integrated circuit design from both academia and industry. 

This Phase-1 workshop presents cutting-edge IC design technologies, with a focus on open-source IC design ecosystem; discussions on workforce development; and provides an opportunity for questions. It will be offered via zoom. The second phase of this program will be an in-person workshop to be held next year.

The ultimate goal is to explore, bridge, and accelerate U.S. -Japan collaborations regarding cutting-edge IC designs.

ZOOM Webinar Registration (Deadline: Dec. 4th, 2023) - Register for DAY-1 and DAY-2 individually.

We will provide English-to-Japanese translation in the ZOOM Webinar.

Technical Sponsors

Technical Support

This workshop is supported by a grant from the U.S. Consulate in Fukuoka, Japan.