
Classroom Lessons

All students partake in "Guidance" which is part of the specials rotation. Topics covered in this class include emotional management, conflict resolution, friendship, and so much more. The Guidance class is seen as a tool to help all kids gain the tools necessary to succeed in and outside of school. The Second Step curriculum is used. 

Group Counseling

Topics are presented in a group setting with students who have similar needs. A variety of topics are covered such as friendship, social skills, and conflict resolution. 

Individual Counseling

1:1 student counseling is available for academic and social and emotional support. 


School Counselors have a primary obligation to ensure confidentiality with their client, the student. Any student working with the School Counselor has the right to privacy and the promise of confidentiality. In order to ensure meaningful and honest dialogue within the counseling relationship, the student must be able to have trust and confidence in their counselor. Exceptions to confidentiality include if the student reports that someone is hurting them, if they plan on hurting someone else, or if there is a legal requirement to report.