Reading Challenge

We are encouraging our students to complete the Mensa for Kids Excellence in Reading Challenge, beginning this year!

Students will receive a copy of their book list in a folder and they should keep this folder in their bookbag. We will be reading a few of the books in class during the school year, but students will need to work on the rest of their list during free reading time and at home. Students may not finish their list in one year, but may continue working on the list as needed.

First Grade

The Dot
The Snowy Day

Second Grade

Tale of Despereaux

Third Grade

Mr. Popper's Penguins

Fourth Grade

The Mixed-Up Files of Basil E. Frankweiler

Fifth Grade

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

Kindergarten - Third Grade


Fourth - Sixth Grade


To participate in the Mensa for Kids Excellence in Reading Program, follow these steps:

*Select a list from the grade level bands listed above. Remember to read to the level of your ability or interest, regardless of your age or grade level.

*Print the appropriate list and track each book you read by checking it off and recording the date it was read, along with a rating. Electronic signatures and check-offs are not permitted. The form must be completed by hand. We operate on the honor system, and we encourage honesty in this way.

*Please submit the original form used, even if it is very messy. Copying the form over to make it neater may result in rejection of the form. We reserve the right to request additional confirmation of completion of the program and/or to refuse to grant recognition.

*Once you’ve completed an entire list, both the reader and an adult will need to sign the list as verification and return it and the order form to the Mensa Foundation at the address provided. Once we’ve received your signed list and verified it, we’ll send you a recognition certificate and T-shirt. Please allow 6 weeks for delivery.

*You may use five nonfiction books to replace any five books from the same grade-level segment.

Submission Form
