Gifted Characteristics

Definition of a Gifted Child

A gifted student is defined as one who demonstrates a high degree of intellectual and/or

creative ability(ies), exhibits an exceptionally high degree of motivation, and/or excels in

specific academic fields, and who needs special instruction and/or special ancillary

services to achieve at levels commensurate with his or her abilities. Students who meet

the eligibility criteria in grades kindergarten through twelve in the Coweta County School

System will be served in the gifted education program. (Kindergarten students who are

tested and eligible in the Spring of Kindergarten year will be served in first grade.)

What are the differences between bright children and gifted learners?


Knows the answer

Is interested

Is attentive

Has good ideas

Works hard

Answers the questions

Top group

Listens with interest

Learns with ease

6-8 repetitions for mastery


Enjoys peers

Grasps meanings

Completes projects

Is receptive

Copies accurately

Enjoys school

Absorbs information


Good memorizer

Enjoys straightforward, sequential presentations

Is alert

Is pleased with own learning


Asks the questions

Is highly curious

Is mentally and physically involved

Has wild and silly ideas

Plays around yet tests well

Discusses in detail, elaborates

Beyond the group

Shows strong feelings and opinions

Already knows

1-2 repetitions for mastery

Constructs abstractions

Prefers adults

Draws inferences

Initiates projects

Is intense

Creates new designs

Enjoys learning

Manipulates information


Good guesser

Thrives on complexity

Is keenly observant

Is highly self-critical