Viking Time: 25-26 Course Registration 

Get Ready to Register for the 2025-26 School Year

Prepare for Registration


During  Viking Time, you will be getting ready to register for your courses for next year. After Viking Time, you will bring your selections to a counselor and submit your requests for courses. 

Viking Time - January 30th:

Registration - February 3rd -14th:

Special thanks to the Northgate Student Ambassadors for all their help with registration!!

Part One: January 30th

Learn about courses and explore options for electives next year

(Part 1) Assignment for Viking Time

Explore and plan your courses by doing the following:

When you are ready to move on, please get a head start on filling out your graduation organizer below with the classes you've already completed and begin reviewing course options.

Ambassadors Registration Videos

Learn about our courses and meet the teacher in these slides! Plan on picking at least three electives for next year.

Part 2: January 30th

Fill out your Graduation Organizer Review options and Graduation Pathways
Pick classes for next year

(Part 2) Assignment for Viking Time

Complete your Graduation Organizer with your requests for next year.

1. Make a copy of the graduation organizer below, and fill in the courses you have already taken.

Graduation Organizer (MAKE A COPY)

Individual Graduation Organize (2025-26)

2. Review Course Listings and Graduation Pathway options.

NGHS Course Listings

2025-2026 NGHS Core Course List

Academic Core Course List

2025-2026 NGHS Elective Course List

Elective Course List

CEC Course Listings

25-26 CEC Course List

CEC Classes for 25-26

Please reference this list of courses and pathways that are available at CEC. Students can select these classes, and counselors will help check for prerequisites in one on one meetings in February.

Pathway Completion Guide

Check this overview of potential graduation pathways options to complete before you graduate

NGHS Pathways Document

Coming Up: Registration
February 3-14
Meet with a School Counselor to submit your class requests

Officially register for courses next year and finalize your selections.