
We know that various ways of gaming can be a positive way to use some of this extra free time. After you have completed your regular class assignments for the day and you are ready to relax, take a look at our google classroom created just for students to share their gaming IDs to be able to play with school friends as opposed to strangers only. Everyone in the school is welcome to join and participate as their parents allow. I will post an assignment with the game's title, you should write your username in the comments section. Message me to request a certain game be added.

Google Classroom code: yspvv7v

A note to parents: We encourage students to be respectful and responsible when socializing with others. Please take the time to verify that you are okay with what games they are playing and ways they are socializing online. Teachers will not be monitoring their interactions. The classroom is set up to be a secure location to share their usernames and encourage a sense of community while we are going through this strange time.