Your Spark

Réalisateur : Maksim Kubarka

Date d'achèvement : 07/2020

Durée : 8 mn 40 sec

Style : Fiction

Dialogues : Oui

Pays de production principal : Biélorussie

Producteur : Redsoul Media

Maksim Kubarka


The guy Sergei has a very ordinary life. He works as a welder at the factory, and in his free time he drinks and has fun with his hooligan friends. And deep down he understands that nothing good awaits him in the future. But everything changes dramatically in the guy's life, after he accidentally comes to a boxing club for work.


Sergei a une vie très ordinaire. Travaillant comme soudeur à l'usine, il boit et s'amuse sur son temps libre avec ses amis hooligans. Et au fond de lui, il n'a pas grande ambition pour son avenir. Mais tout change radicalement dans la vie du gars, après qu'il aie accidentellement atterri dans un club de boxe pour le travail.

Maksim was born in a small town in Belarus. He played music for 15 years now on drums in various punk hard core bands. For 6 years he worked as an accountant and manager at S.W.I.F.T. in Bank, after it, ran his own trading company which sells building equipment. Eight years ago he was presented with a camera. Camera was inactive for several years, until the need arose in his business to shoot commercial video. He remembered that I have a camera and tried to create some advertising. Everything was done very well. And since then, Maksim has been fascinated by the video. His main directions are commercial advertising, music clips and cinema.