Counselling with Zoe

The Details

Online, Office or Outdoors

Phone/Text: 07703533902


Instagram: @counsellingwithzoe_

What is on Offer?

Weekly sessions of talk therapy, conducted in confidence, to address any issues within my remit. I am trained to support you through common concerns and difficult experiences, such as: anxiety, stress, low self-esteem, grief, loss and specific trauma. I work with adults in my private practice (18+). 

Weekly Sessions:

How Does it Work?

Usually there is a focus or need for support at this time. Together we can explore significant events in your own life, from childhood to current day. The thoughts and feelings that are brought up in the moment when talking about them can be held within the space when processing it, so that it might not feel as overwhelming or isolating. Sharing these things out loud can make room for connections to be made, personal break-throughs to be had, whilst being held therapeutically by someone outside of your social circle. 

The main models I use are psychodynamic and person-centred. I utilise these models of talk therapy to explore in-depth issues because this allows space for trust in the therapeutic relationship, that can build and strengthen over time. Talking through issues, in a non-judgemental environment, can give way to exploring one's core authentic self.  

You know yourself best and I support you along the journey, with empathy, curiosity and careful challenge. We explore themes that are important to you and encourage you to know yourself in new and different ways. 
