Behavioral Policies

My behavior policy is that students are expected to BE NICE and respectful to me and their classmates at all times. Students are not to be off task or disruptive. During transitions, students are expected to do what is asked and remain on task. A list of classroom rules will be posted in class and sent digitally to all students. A students’ first offense will result in only one warning. After a warning, the student may receive one or more of the following: seat change*, phone call or email to parents, lunch or after school detention*, parent teacher conference, counselor conference, escort to AP office*, or denial of class privileges*. Positive consequences will result in celebrations and fun surprises. Students are allowed to use any supplies* during class activities. However, students are fully responsible to return any supplies borrowed during class. Students are to return items as if they were never used. Any broken or dirty supplies returned will result to students no longer able to borrow my supplies. Therefore, students will then be responsible for obtaining their own supplies.

*Do not apply due to COVID 19.