Format for Abstract


Speakers and poster presenters are requested to use the template (Abstract Template) for the preparation of the abstract, which would be single-spaced in A4 sized paper (21 cm x 29.7 cm) with 1.1 inch margins on all sides of the page.


TITLE (Times new Roman-font size 14-Bold-single space-centered)


Author name(s) (Times new Roman-font size 12-normal, presenting author, other author(s) and corresponding author*-single space-centered)

Affiliation(Times new Roman-font size 10-italic, single space centered)

E-mail of corresponding author. (Times new Roman-font size 10- normal)


Abstract Body

The one-page abstract should be typed in single space, 10 pt, Times New Roman, normal font. Use A4 size paper with 1.1 inch margins at all sides. Cite the reference in superscriptwithin parentheses in the text.[1] References should be typed in font size 10, and single spaced. The entire abstract including text, figures, equations, structures, schemes and references must be sent as a MS-WORD DOC/DOCX file.


References (10 pt, Bold-font)

[1] S. S. Jurisson, J. D. Lydon,  Chem. Rev. 199999, 2205. [font size 10]


IMPORTANT: Abstracts should be submitted through the Google Form link: as a MS-WORD (.docx) file.