
Year 7 Admissions Portal


Welcome to Cotham School

Headteacher Welcome Letter

1. Year 7 Welcome Letter from Headteacher 2024/25.docx

Headteacher Welcome Video

Key Dates

Thursday 4 July - Transition Session 12:30-15:30

Parents and Carers were emailed on 8 May. Reminders to complete the attendance form have also been sent. Please be advised only those with completed forms can attend on the day.

Thursday 4 July  - Parents/ Carers and Child Evening - TIME CHANGE, the event will now begin at 17:00 due to it being Election Day.

Full details were emailed on 17 June. Come along early to purchase pre-loved and new uniform from 16:00.

Weeks Commencing 20 May and 3 June - Primary School Visits

Friday 14 June - House & Tutor Groups Allocations

Allocations have been made, look out for an email sent on Friday 14 June.

Monday 2 September - INSET Day

School is closed to all students.

Tuesday 3 September - First Day for Year 7

Please arrive at the Student Reception on Cotham Road at 10:00. Students also will leave via Student Reception at the end of the school day at 14:45

Parent/ Carer Communications

Please check your email for:

If you have any questions or require any further information please contact admissions@cotham.bristol.sch.uk. 

Getting to know us

Welcome Video

Virtual Tour

First Day of Term Arrangements for Year 7

Year 7 students will begin their journey at Cotham School on Tuesday 3 September 2024

Please find below important information:

Getting Ready for School

Our School Uniform

As a student at Cotham School you are expected to wear full school uniform, including your school lanyard. It is also important to wear the correct PE / Games and Dance kit. Our school uniform suppliers are Monkhouse and Harris Sports. Please visit their shops or websites to view the approved skirts, shorts and trousers.

The school rules will be enforced according to the Uniform Policy. Examples of suitable uniform can be found on the website. May we remind you to always label your child’s uniform with their child’s name and Year/Tutor Group.

Pre-loved uniform items are available from £1, please call Visitor Reception 0117 919 8000 to enquire. 

Making the most of Cotham School

Peripatetic instrumental lessons at Cotham

At Cotham School we are able to offer Peripatetic instrumental lessons from a range of both private tutors and working alongside Bristol Plays Music. 

We are able to offer tuition on a wide range of instruments including voice, strings, wind, brass, drums and percussion, piano, keyboard and guitar. 

We welcome all levels of ability whether students are just starting out or you have previously had instrumental lessons. 

For more information please contact: 

Ross Geoghegan, Faculty Leader Performing Arts GeogheganR@cotham.bristol.sch.uk 

Extra Curricular Activities/Clubs

Click here for Extra Curricular activities and clubs available. 

Additional Support for Parents

Free School Meals

Please be advised that if your child was eligible for Free School Meals in Primary School that this is not automatically carried forward into Secondary school. Even if your child has been eligible in the past, you should apply again: FSM Application.

Fadlan ogow in haddii ilmahaadu uu xaq u lahaa inuu helo raashinka iskuulka ee lacag la’aan ah (FSM) markii uu dugsiga hoose dhiganayay, taasi ma aha mid horay ugu sii soconeysa dugsiga sare.

Xattaa haddii ilmahaadu uu horay xaq ugu lahaa, waa inaad mar kale aad dalbataa adigoo raacaaya xiriiriyaha hoose. Halkaan ka dalbo 

Travelling to School

By Train 

The nearest train station is the Redland station which is a 10 minute walk from the school. Next is the Clifton down train station which is a 12 minute walk from the school. 

School Rail Season Ticket

GWR and the Severnside Community Rail Partnership have been working with Cotham School to ensure the experience of travel to school by train is safe and pleasant for everyone involved in the journey, including students, members of the public and GWR staff working on trains. 

Rather than provide students with a daily fare, we would like to encourage families to purchase a reduced rail season ticketGWR has kindly agreed to offer a rail season ticket for just £60.00 to cover the whole academic year. Payment can be made in full (£60.00) for Terms 1 – 6, or by the following payment options: 

Terms 1 and 2 - £21

Terms 3 and 4 - £20

Terms 5 and 6 - £20

**Payment will be collected through the school’s WisePay system. New Year 7 students will receive registration information in September. This offer can not be accessed before. Please return forms from September.**

By Bus

Home to school travel

Find out if your child can get support with home to school travel and how to apply.


Follow this link for our Latest News and Parent/ Carer Mailings.




Contact us

If you have any questions please contact us:  

Cotham School
Cotham Lawn Road

0117 919 8000


Year 7 Admissions Enquiries