
Teacher Resources

Quizizz - Short Intro.mp4

Quizziz Short Intro

A short video created by our very Mr Ed Keen for you on how to use Quizziz with your classes.

Example Quiz created by Mr Keen

Example Lesson created by Mr Keen

Quizziz for Teachers

This video explains how educators and teachers can get started using Quizizz to help engage students in fun and interactive assessments in the online, distance learning environment. Whether you are meeting with your students live or needing to send them work to complete on their own time, this digital tool and application is sure to enhance your online instruction.

Assigning Quizziz on Google Classroom

This video will show you how to assign a Quizizz quiz on Google Classroom.

Creating Interactive Lessons with Quizziz

In this video I go through how to use the new lesson feature now available in Quizizz. A easy way to add interactivity to your lessons.

Using Quizziz for Homework