Assessment Doesn't Need to Be Stressful!

On this site you will find a range of short films and other resources to support you with organisation, revision and managing anxieties. We are adding new resources all the time, so keep checking back and let a member of the Post 16 team know if you have any suggestions for new content!

Maintaining Your Wellbeing

This first set of films will guide you through a range of ways to maintain your wellbeing while preparing for and sitting assessments.

Managing Stress and Anxiety

Post 16 comes with lots of questions, pressures and stresses about the future. Here Ms Dutton talks you through taking back control.

Maintaining Wellbeing

Ms Haine explains steps you can take to ensure you are finding the right balance between work and life, and ways in which you can keep things in perspective.

Healthy Study Habits

Ms Cripps gives some tips about how you can look after your physical and emotional health by developing healthy study habits.

NBP16 COVID 19: Managing Wellbeing


This set of films will help you organise your time, notes and revision materials.

Effective Time Management

Struggling with organisation? In this film, Ms Muszynska explains how to make the best use of your time in preparation for, and during, assessments.


We can all get distracted when we are trying to work or study. Mr Tiplady explains techniques you can use to help keep focused and use your study time efficiently.

Revision Timetables

Find it difficult to structure revision time? Leave things to the last minute? You're not alone! Here Ms Dutton talks you through making a schedule.

Organising Notes and Resources

Organising your notes makes revision much easier. Ms Hill and Mrs Macadie explain how you can turn piles of random sheets into well organised and useful resources.

Managing Workload Stress

A poster created by the Cotham Student Leadership Team


Staying On Top Of Workload

A poster created by the Academic Mentors at RGS

Post 16 Workload Advice

Preparing for Assessment

Here you will find a range of short films filled with ideas to help you feel well prepared for assessment.

Revision Strategies

How can you transfer learning to long term memory? What resources are out there and what can I easily make? Ms Potter gives you lots of ideas in this short film

Effective Note Taking

What should I include in my notes and what's the best way to review them? How do I make sure they are useful when I revisit them? Ms Meek has the answers!

Effective Self-Testing

Mrs Macadie explains techniques you can use to consolidate and deepen your learning by effectively testing yourself when working independently.

NBP16 Top GCSE Revision Tips

Sitting Assessments

In this final section you'll find ideas and support for when you are taking assessments.

Best Use of Access Arrangements

If you are entitled to exam access arrangements, watch this short video where Ms Beaver talks you through how to make the most of them.

Reading Techniques

Lots of assessments involve processing large amounts of information. Pick up some quick and adaptable tips to help you manage this from Mr Hallett.

Uploading Files as PDFs

Mr Tiplady guides you through how to use your phone to scan and submit handwritten work via Classroom as a PDF.

Improving Exam Technique

Find yourself running out of time? Unsure how to approach different types of question? Here Ms Skinner explains some quick and easy strategies.

Our Academic Mentors in Upgrade are able for 1:1 advice and can offer a range of workshops. Drop in for a chat about what support you can access.