Third Grade

Hands on learning, self-paced education, 

and spiritual development.


Third graders are officially upper elementary students and have transitioned into a roll of leadership and mentorship. They are reading buddies to our 1st graders, lead our school community is our Ash Wednesday Mass Service, teach others about different cultures, races, and religions to promote tolerance and respect, and have created and managed our Buddy Bench which promotes love towards one another and promote anti-bullying. Social skills and character are taught and practiced through school wide programs, service projects, and day to day interaction throughout all grade levels. Students learn and interact with their immediate community focused on needs of others and develop fundraisers and volunteer opportunities to offer aide and help.


Third grade creates an environment where students are encouraged to pursue academic excellence, to stimulate curiosity, and develop independence and individual responsibility for one's self as well as a social conscience. Students participate in a myriad of activities that are enhanced with cognitive and manipulative materials as well as hands-on activities that allow them to discover the content through trial and error. Students use technology to enhance their learning and create content for a global audience. Third graders take responsibility for their learning and success with a blended learning environment and with the support of their teachers.  With leveled curriculum, students are able to learn at their own pace both individually and in small groups. Intellectual and social skills are promoted equally to help form a well rounded individual.  


Third graders begin to take ownership of their own academic and social needs by learning to set goals and advocate for themselves. Third graders challenge themselves by striving for excellence at their level and take one new challenges when ready. They practice time management and learn to balance their academics with sports, the arts, and social time. In the upper elementary grades, students are expected and coached to keep track of class assignments, homework due dates, and assessments. It is important that students find a healthy balance between learning, growing, and playing. Third graders also begin CYO sports and develop good sportsmanship while practicing skills.


Mrs. Norris


Ms. Daniela

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