7th Grade
Riddle me this: you walk into a room an adolescent, and you leave it a teenager.
You must be in Seventh Grade!
Seventh grade - the middle of the Middle School - is a time of being exactly that: in the middle. Caught between the first, terrifying step into sixth grade, and the last, gratifying step out of eighth grade, seventh grade is all about hitting your stride and staying in the zone. Our Student Learning Expectations - Love and Serve God and Others, Love Learning, and Love One’s self - is the lens through which we approach all aspects of learning and curriculum.
Love and Serve God and Others
The cornerstone of our Religion curriculum is regular visits from Father Leo, who shares his personal experiences and insights to help the seventh graders grapple with their faith. In the spring, the seventh graders do a beautiful production of Stations of the Cross. They also participate in a service project at V.I.D.A., where they help sort and pack medical supplies for countries in need. Through service and studying the traditions, rituals, and history of the Catholic Church, as well as the exploration of different faiths, religions, and spiritualities, we foster and advocate our belief in the dignity of all people.
Love Learning
The focus across subjects is developing the analytical mind. Simple comprehension is pushed to new limits of interpretation and criticism, where answering questions turns to posing new ones, and learning is understood as an ongoing and ever-evolving pursuit. Seventh graders are guided to take ownership and pride in their learning through individual and collaborative projects, in which they read and write in many genres, work to conceptualize new math ideas, explore science both in the classroom and the lab, and draw insights and empathy through history and social studies.
Love One’s Self
The seventh graders enjoy their community both in and out of the classroom, where they have opportunities for leadership and service. They are encouraged to strengthen their curiosity - wherever it may take them - and understand these curiosities as a part of their developing selves. Our community is built on compassion, inclusivity, and resilience, and is a place where all students can feel safe and supported in being exactly who they are.