Templates &
Other Resources
Table of Contents
What Coaching Is, And What It's Not
The Google Certified Coaching Model
(The Google Certified Coaching Model ⬆)
Coaching Cycle Sign-Up Form
Pro Tip: As an established coach, juggling 8 coaching cycles is reasonable for me. For coaches just starting out and on a traditional U.S. school calendar, I recommend offering 4 coaching cycles (8-week cycles) throughout the school year. (Think of it as offering a coaching cycle every quarter.)
Survey Examples/Templates
*Surveys are adapted from those in the Google Certified Coach Program Curriculum. Check out the curriculum if you want to see the originals!
BOY & EOY Surveys
Take a look at the full surveys, and make them your own:
Pro Tip: The surveys should be identical (or almost identical) to each other in order to truly measure progress. Collecting an anonymous identifier allows you to track individual growth (albeit unscientifically...) while also getting the most authentic feedback possible.
Screenshot of a portion of an End-of-Year Survey
Pre-Cycle & Post-Cycle Surveys
Take a look at the full surveys, and make them your own:
Pro Tip: The surveys should be identical (or almost identical) to each other in order to truly measure progress. Collecting an anonymous identifier allows you to track individual growth (albeit unscientifically...) while also getting the most authentic feedback possible.
Screenshot of a portion of a Post-Cycle Survey
Sharing Bright Spots
Pro Tip: If you are using newsletters as a way to share successes, I recommend making newsletters short and frequent. The one linked here is much longer than I would have liked it to be. (Too much good news to share 🤷 😁)
A screenshot of a newsletter (linked left)
Coaching Documents
Keep your coaching life organized by using these nifty templates!
Getting Started Guide
Pro Tip: If someone is a recent coaching participant and is already very familiar with the coaching process, use the *abbreviated version* instead, which you'll find on pages 1-2 of the Doc.
Teacher Innovation Plan (TIP)
Pro Tip: Make a copy of this for each teacher, each cycle. Use it to take transparent meeting notes and class visit notes. The document is to be shared between the coach and the teacher only! The coach is responsible for maintaining it, but it is a working document that the teacher can also contribute to.
Teacher Tracker
Pro Tip: Use ALL the tabs at the bottom, and make this a main source of evidence of your work and data for your coaching program. It includes who you are working with, to a log of challenges worked on, to a survey completion tracker and more. Meticulous data collection is key to a strong program! This is a HUGE spreadsheet! Remember to use the tabs at the bottom to navigate it!
Coaching Conversations
Pro Tip: The link above, which takes you to part of the Google Certified Coach Program curriculum, is only a starting point. There are lots of other great resources out there, and dedicating time to learning and practicing this is time well spent.
ITU Rubric
Pro Tip: These Areas of Impactful Technology Use (ITU) come from Digital Promise in its work with Google for Education's Dynamic Learning Project (DLP). I like to ask teachers which Areas of ITU resonate with them most, and we incorporate that into our focus challenge.