New York State Association of County Agricultural Agents

2025 Membership

Dear CCE Agriculture Extension Professionals,

On behalf of the NYS Association of County Agricultural Agents (NYSACAA), we invite you to become a member or renew your membership for 2025. The attached membership form can be filled out and sent to me with your payment.  Or you pay by credit card using the PayPal link on this page.   Paying by credit card is preferred because it makes my work as a treasurer much easier and items don't get lost.

Why join NYSACAA? It is a group of your peers dedicated to helping agriculture educators improve their skills, celebrate their professional excellence and expand their knowledge base. We host professional gatherings and tours across the state. See our membership brochure below.

Full members also belong to the National Association (NACAA) and frequently participate in National Conferences.   Extension professionals can present talks, posters, and apply for communications awards. Local tours and networking also abound and it is just plain fun! The benefits of membership in NACAA can be found at:  

 We look forward to having you join us in 2025!


 Liz Higgins, NYSACAA Treasurer

Online Payment and Membership Info - READ ME!

Choose a membership option from the drop-down box and type in the name of the member and their organizational affiliation (county association for example) click the "add to cart" button.  This will take you PayPal.  To add more than one member, or to add a donation to NYSACAA (see donation options lower down) choose the "continue shopping" link at the top left of the PayPal page and it will return you to this site and you can recomplete the form to add another member or a donation to your cart.   If you want to mail a check, the paper form is at the bottom of this webpage.  

Membership Levels

New (first time) members $55 receive a discount on their dues as the state's share of dues are paid by NYSACAA.  Join today!

Full members - Full NYSACAA/NACAA membership is for any exempt or non-exempt employee with extension responsibilities who prepares and conducts educational programs in agriculture or related fields. You are a member of both the state and national associations.  Due to continuing impacts of COVID-19 on programming, we are offering returning full members an opportunity to pay their NYSACAA dues at a reduced rate of $65.  If you can afford to pay the full rate of $100 you will help to sustain NYSACAA until we can get back to full programming.  

Affiliate members $15 - Any non-exempt extension employee who assists with conducting educational programs or who performs diagnostic services in agriculture or a related field.  This includes program aids, assistants, & technicians. Affiliate members have all the privileges of membership except for NACAA awards and professional improvement opportunities (they can attend NYSACAA educational programs).

Donation Categories (you can adjust the exact level in PayPal)

NYSACAA General Support - Helps to cover educational programs and scholarships for members to attend programs and workshops.  Supports discount for new members.  

NACAA Scholarship Fund - Supports scholarships for NACAA members for further academic study or professional development.  If you pay into the scholarship fund, you can apply for NACAA scholarships.

NYSACAA - Who We Are: 

We are Cornell Cooperative  Extension educators from across New York State working with  producers to improve the  profitability and productivity of local agricultural and horticultural  businesses. 

NYSACCA - What We Do

2024 NYSACAA Officers

Sharon Bachman, President 

Joe Lawrence, Past President 

Liz Higgins, Treasurer,, 518-949-3722

Old School?

If you would prefer to print out and send a check, download the registration form.  Please send it to Elizabeth Higgins.