Group profile


Exploring the characteristics, interests, talents and dreams of the group, its easy to realise the aggregated potential and the will of the 18 Dolphins. Now, lets change the world!

Aggregated interests

Aggregated Talents

Compilation of responses to the question:

How do you envision your great grand-children's life?

Challenging but a more fair and transparent world where people collaborate to create happier lives.

I envision my great grand children Living in a world without pollution and back to the natural state as it was created. A pure state as we all know as the garden of Eden...

My great grand-children live in peace where most of their dreams are attainable, The average life span of 95-years and with unlimited prosthesis and body performance enhancements available ageing is no longer an issue. After many decades of plummeting, birth-rates have finally stabilised. They are on the edge of a boom. Expansion. With the advance in virtual reality, quantum computing and AI ensuring the governance and vast majority of services, jobs are a thing of the past. They have the freedom follow their interests and passions and build careers, with plenty of time dedicated to pursuing their betterment, socialising, sports and creative and cultural activities. The luxury of off-grid nature contact has become a way to educate and recover the ecosystems on Earth that are also finding footing in the adjustment to the climate. With more time on his hands than ever in the history of Mankind, they face the exciting Challenges of their times! Stimulate sustainable growth and innovations (we are on the edge of teleportation), motivating the boredom of marginal populations of humanity and tackling ethics (AI rights), and solving issues like new diseases, disorders and ethics that come hand in hand with progress and great scientific and technical breakthroughs.

I imagine my grand great grand children live in a world where the virtual and the synthetic are mixed with what we call today the natural and real. They don’t possess much or own things. They live longer and have healthier lives. They spend much of their time on leisure, learning activities and new experiences. They lack the concept of family and community. They are less attached to people, places and ideals. Individuals with the risk of being very lonely.

I envision my great grand-children to be highly conscious of who they truly are, why they are here, they are happy, living fully in a peaceful world with harmony between humans, all living things and nature. They are fully contributing to the world, driven from inside and are creating amazing things with their unique gifts sto make life enjoyable for everyone. They are surrounded with other humans who are also conscious of who they truly are and why they are here, and treat every human as a human being, they respect nature and care about the planet.

They are living in a conscious world where there is genuine interest for collaboration, love and kindness, well-being and happiness. They honestly care for the planet and support each other to live to their full potential and contribute to the world.

Well, I hope that they're not living in the US as we don't get climate change and we're even farther behind developing a circular economy. As an example, Norfolk Virginia is built below sea level and the storm drains already only work twice a day at low tide. Where society does function, I expect to see a cooperative culture that supports strong local, regional, and national identities. Not much in the way of international trade with a strong emphasis on sustainability and self-reliance. Distributed Renewable Energy Generation will be the soup de jour and most travel between towns and regions will be public. Local streets may look like Cuba does now as we will convert classic cars to run on electric motors rather than buying new electric cars. That's the fastest way to get rid of fossil fuels and still let us love our cars.

I'm assuming that we'll grow our own food in and around our homes and barter with others in town who may grow different varieties, or grow some things better than we do. Not too much different than Aristotle's concept of Making Polis in Politics and Ethics. It shouldn't be a sedentary existence because of the internet and the opportunity to move to new communities. We'll all end up living where we want to live as long as we can contribute productively to the community we chose. Home and Family will be a major influence on where we go and what we do, that and educational opportunities. On-line colleges and universities will eventually fail as they are geographically challenged and it will be hard to maintain relevancy to the homes and towns in which we live.

The Household as the Foundation of Aristotle's Polis

Aristotle discusses the city (polis) or "political community" (koinōnia politikē) as opposed to other types of communities and partnerships such as the household (oikos) and village. The highest form of community is the polis. ... He then examines in what way the city may be said to be natural.

Good imagination: They are able to contribute to society in their own unique and special way, follow their dreams and live a long, creative, social and happy life.

Energy is free and 80% comes from the sun, the rest from other renewables. Batteries last almost forever meaning your parents or grandparents already paid them off like a mortgage. This abundant energy makes heat, food and fresh water available to all. Housing is 3d printed and cheap and affordable. People have moved out of the overflowing cities and re-inhabited the countryside.

People have banded together to solve the worlds issues rather than waiting on government or big companies to do it for them or tell them how they can or should live. (this is what i want to help build towards)

Bad dream: People are trapped by societal politics, pressure and a lack of available well paying jobs, ai and robots have taken on most jobs but only line the pockets of the 1% elite. Global warming has created shortages of almost everything for anyone not already wealthy enough by 2035. People lack purpose and meaning in their lives and strife is constant. ( this is what i am trying to help avoid occurring)

Playful, fearless, in nature, next to the sea, laughing, loving other people and life.

Life in happy and simpler communities, sharing

Living in a world in harmony, in harmony with nature, in harmony with the others, and where everybody can fulfil his need and his dreams.

They will most likely be living an extra fast paced virtual world, where emotional connection and contact will be far from reach, however the voice of People and the youths become the most powerful tool to impact change!

Joyful, taking care of themselves, spending time in nature and with others, living a world driven from more spiritual values, in a world that technology gives them the luxury to focus on what they feel are essential, in a world that stress is a previous generation epidemic. A shift towards intuition rather than analysis.

In balance with the world! Respecting the earth for a peaceful sharing

Tough, competitive, ethically challenging, more environmental conscious, technological driven, full of opportunities for ever increasing part of the population (hopefully)

My dream simply is a world that truly works. Where there is plenty of food and water for every living human being and animal. Where education is prevalent and technology is leading to greater connection and community. I envision a world filled with love and generosity.

Honest kids with integrity, world connectors and connected with the world, part of a generation of highly educated, cultured, responsible, dignified and humble people, living with and fully respectful of their environment, passionate about the common good, generous and sharing with warm and deep relations with friends, relatives and family. Healthy human beings. Living with tech but not overcome or led by it.

They've been growing up in a world where collective consciousness is at an all time high. Abundance prevails.They live prioritising the well being of all sentient beings. They've been learning from a young age that the quality of their life depends on the quality of their relationship with their self, fellow humans and nature. They're amazing at being loving, caring and compassionate with them self allowing them to depict such behaviour to others.

Lifelong personalised learning allows them to connect and work towards their best self - community, society, private and public institutions all collaborate to support such growth. Everyone is not only leveraging their super powers but are helped to sharpen their expertise. Work and play are hard to distinguish from each other.

Movement is an integral part of they life and they take impeccable care of their body, valuing it as the best tool they possess. They regularly spend time in nature which they relate to as a valuable and wise professor. They've developed healthy habits which they teach others as they grow, evolving them throughout the different stages of their life. They're very mindful about how they breath, eat, sleep, nurture their energy, and their belief system. They love that their life is all about being a student and a teacher at the same time. They feel safe being vulnerable when needed. Their traumas have been properly addressed; the same applies to all their friends.

Advances in technology and science has allowed to solve the global challenges they learned about in history books (healthcare, education, nutrition, financial inclusion, mobility, governance). They live in harmony with modern technology which exists to serve their best interest. Excessive consumerism, pervaded capitalism and politics, borders, famine, war, child abuse, gender and wealth disparity, fast fashion, processed food and coca cola are things from the past they have trouble relating to.

The voice of their young peers is heard and respected, the same way that they respect their elders. Practising joy is a daily ritual for them. They understand how to challenge them self and their cared ones with integrity and creativity. They appreciate that progress in made by the unconventional. Their cup is full. They take pleasure in serving others. No wonder they smile so often. At times they get sad and angry. They are humans after all. Even in those moments, they stay curious about life, accept and surrender to its impermanency. They feel grateful for everything they have, for everything they have yet to experience, and for the gift to fully taste life's every passing moment.

Happy and healthy

With dignity and in a planet where all living beings have a life with dignity

Compilation of responses to the question:

Can you share your utmost dream?

Be happy and make my parents and my descendants proud of me, creating and developing ideas that improve lives everywhere

My dream is to live in peace and to be happy where people are able to communicate to understand one another. To be grateful and to be blessed every day.

The School of the Future. - A state-of-the art building set in a cork forest by the sea - A truly sustainable natural environment to create and support compassionate innovative leaders who will create the future. This would be a future forward, cross-generational and global-local learning community, trained in generative thinking, and human validation skills and dedicated to primarily developing individual talents, competencies and soft skills, via experimental and project based holistic learning. Whilst technology and the digital world definitely have a central role in this school, creativity, communication and relationships are the starting point of any content learning and development of leaders of sustainable and humanized workplaces (and societies) of the future.

Building a platform that connects youth and young persons in meaningful ways

I strive for living a full life with a high level of consciousness, maximising my potential to live to my purpose, contribute to the world and inspire others to do the same.

I dream of a transformed humanity and societies. I dream of witnessing as many conscious humans as possible, being connected with their true inner power and understanding their connection with other humans and nature.

I dream of a world where humans can live fully, happy, healthy, loving and prosperous and maximise their gifts to create innovations. I dream of a world where health, well-being and happiness can be measured as the primary indicator of how societies are progressing.

I dream of a world where humans have a mindset of well-being and abundance instead of a mindset of hopelessness and scarcity and a belief that circumstances are larger than human power.

Got a minute … tell me all you know!

It would be interesting to help people transition to the circular economy. It is necessary to help people with energy independence and energy equality and provide access to shared means of production. Developing product designs for production in local maker spaces -- like the Honey Badger -- could be an interesting first step there. Spell check just corrected that to Horny Badger so I hope that doesn't happen. Generally, the dream is to use the brain and intellect to help people solve their problems with grace and dignity. Politics is the enemy that inhibits social progress and overcoming that is something that I haven't quite figured out how to do.

That i have helped contribute in helping people stay and be more thoughtful, playful, creative, innovative and that think about sustainability, which helps make more people that solve societal and their own problems. These people always have a positive net benefit for the world rather and the people around them.

To be part of a change in values. To be part of a group of people (magic number is 8) that makes financial value=economic value.

To be a better and happier person w no fiers to loose thgs

Making this a better world... somehow!

Influencing leadership in Africa and in particular my country - Nigeria, the giant of AFRICA, in a way that it will impact governance and allow our citizens and nation to reach her true and full potential.

To combine my professional activities with my spiritual (intangible) values.

To be involved in businesses (work-investments) that are innovative and impactful.

To inspire others and spread joy.

To educate in a broad sense.

Living Healthily in a nature-filled space that is energy-self-sufficient, sustainable and able to share it.

Humanity reconciliation with nature (environment, animal reign, human nature itself)

Enlightenment, a true awakening for myself and the world... And where we use our individual gifts to contribute to a greater whole.

The Nobel Peace Prize for Leadership4SDGs (as it will have made a tangible difference in the quality, integrity and effectiveness of leadership in quite a number of countries and through that contributed in a tangible way to the acceleration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals). But contrary to the practice so far, the podium is empty. Hundreds of leaders from all over the world are live streaming to the event, as they are the collective winners. The prize is for all of them, honouring their courage to transform. That is so much more 21st century and also realistic than having one individual claiming success.

An abundance of harmony, love and joy prevails inside and outside of me

Sail around the world

Renewable Prosperity - in the future, every living being will have a life with dignity and leisure, relying mainly on renewable resources (solar, wind, rain and good-will, curiosity, compassion, courage…), while living in prosperous, regenerative communities operating systemically and in positive interdependence with other communities.

Direct influence

Responses to the question: How many people do you think you have a direct influence on?